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Route choice analysis tool for indoor sprint orienteering at VIA University College Horsens.


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An example image showing three different route choices between the fourth and fifth controls on a course.


A route choice analysis tool for indoor sprint orienteering developed for a competition at VIA University College Horsens in March 2024. The route choices are not drawn manually, but are instead computed based on a graph representation of the map and courses.


The tool is focused around a view of the map, and presents different interactions and displays different data depending on the selected mode. The modes include the main View and Edit modes, as well as a few submodes under the Edit mode.

The interface is available in both Danish and English, and a language switcher is located in the top right.


The View mode is the primary mode for end users, including, but not limited to, curious participants of the competition. Users can select a course and cycle through its legs.

For the selected leg, the relevant route choices are drawn on the map and listed in the control pane. In the list, the route choices are sorted by distance in ascending order, with their rank, colour, distance and elevation gain shown. Route choices can be highlighted on the map by selecting them in the list.

There are also buttons for fitting and resetting the view. The former fits the position and zoom of the map to the selected leg, while the latter resets the position and zoom to a neutral state with an overview of the whole map.


The Edit mode is intended for the organiser to use. Here, the underlying graph representation is incrementally defined when working through the different submodes. Edit mode is only available on the desktop version.


The first Edit submode is used to define the positions and types of points on the map. In computer science terminology, these points are also known as nodes or vertices.

Points are placed by clicking on the map, and a point can be deleted by shift-clicking on it.

The position of a point is defined in three dimensions. The horisontal coordinates x and y are determined from the position of the mouse click used to create the point. The vertical z coordinate is specified with a numeric input in the control pane, and it represents the height of a point in whole building floors.

The type of point to place is selected in the control pane. There are five different types to choose from: Guide, Waypoint, Control, Start and Finish.

The last three should be familiar from regular orienteering courses, as they are used to define the courses - more on that in a bit. Their positions should reflect those chosen by the course setter for the "real" courses. The other two point types are more specific to this project.

Waypoints are used to distinguish between different choices, i.e. different stairways or hallways, or different ways around major obstacles. They are drawn with red circles in the editor. For performance reasons, their use should be kept to a meaningful minimum.

Guides are used to connect different Waypoints together in realistic fashion. They do not define a distinct choice, but they do ensure that paths between Waypoints go around walls, pillars and so on. Guides are drawn with blue circles in the editor.


To form the graph structure, points should be connected together. These connections are also known as edges, links or lines in computer science terminology. All connections are undirected in the current implementation, i.e. direction of travel along a connection is not restricted.

Right-clicking on a point selects that point, highlighting its connections. A new connection can then be made by left-clicking on another point. Shift-clicking is used to delete a connection instead.

Connections define what movement is possible between points. They should only be made where participants are able to go in real life - so not through walls, across large gaps and so on. Furthermore, a point should only be connected to the closest other point within line of sight in any given direction. Colinear and overlapping connections should therefore be avoided, with a preference towards daisy-chaining points together instead.

Two types of connections are available, differing in how distances are calculated along them. In most cases, the normal type is appropriate, and distances along such connections are calculated based on their relative positions. However, a "portal" connection type is also available. Portal connections link two points together as if they were the same, meaning the horisontal distance between them is fixed at 0 regardless of their positions on the map. This is useful for stairs, since the different floors are drawn alongside each other to accommodate the two-dimensional nature of printed maps.


Courses consist of one Start point, one Finish point, and any number of Control points between them. Multiple courses can be defined, and their names can be changed at any time.

Points are added by clicking on them on the map. Clicking on a Start or Finish point sets that point as the start or finish of the course, respectively. Clicking on a Control point appends it to the list of controls, placing it right before the finish in the sequence. However, if a Control point is selected, which can be done by right-clicking it, controls are instead added after the selected control.

The same Control point can appear multiple times on the same course, but not consecutively. Removing a control from the current course is done by shift-clicking it. Should the control be included more than once, only the last instance is removed.


There is not much to do in this submode - at least not manually. A press of the Calculate button runs all path finding required for the defined courses. On the included example, this takes a couple seconds on a relatively modern desktop CPU. Reflecting the underlying algorithm, the calculation results can be viewed in two ways: Paths or Legs.

When viewing Paths, all points and connections are visible. Unused connections are gray, while used connections are blue. Selecting a Waypoint, Control, Start or Finish point will additionally highlight the shortest path from that point to each neighbouring point of those types.

If instead viewing Legs, the computed route choices between any two Control, Start or Finish points can be shown by selecting them. Not all combinations are calculated, however. Only route choices relevant for the defined courses are found.


A JSON representation of the current state, including points, connections and courses, can be downloaded (and later imported) from the Files submode. Applying imported data overwrites the current state and runs path finding calculations with the new data.

An example made for the real event that the tool was made for is automatically imported and computed at page load. Reloading the page therefore restores the state to this example.


The source code is of course available for anyone to see, but here are a few quick notes on the most interesting parts of the implementation.

Path finding

When it comes to path finding, the bulk of the heavy lifting is done by Dijkstra's algorithm and, at one stage, a modified version of Yen's algorithm.

Here and in the code, a distinction is made between "paths" and "routes".

A path consists of a series of unique, connected points. A completed path contains two Waypoints: one at the start, and one at the end. Between them, any number of Guide points may be included.

A route consists of a series of unique Waypoints, each connected to the next with a path. Similar to paths, a completed route contains two Control, Start or Finish points: one at the start, and one at the end, with any number of Waypoints between them.

Path finding is split into multiple stages. Stages 1 and (especially) 2 are computationally intense. These stages are run when the Calculate button is pressed, and when saved state is applied (i.e. at page load and state import). Stage 3 is much faster to compute, and is run for a single leg when that leg is selected.

Stage 1: Paths between waypoints

Implemented in src/lib/pathfinding/build-paths.ts.

Strictly speaking, it is not necessary to distinguish between Guides and Waypoints, but they provide a layer of abstraction on top of the graph as a whole. This greatly simplifies decision making when finding route choices, significantly reducing computation time.

In this first stage, an algorithm is performed for every Waypoint: Using Dijkstra's algorithm, the graph is searched from this "origin" Waypoint, iterating through every connected Guide. This continues down the connection chain until another Waypoint is found, at which point a path is saved, and this particular branch of the search ends.

At the end of the search, every possible path from the origin Waypoint to (but not through) its "neighbouring" Waypoints has been found. Only the shortest path to each neighbour is kept.

Stage 2: Routes between controls

Implemented in src/lib/pathfinding/build-routes.ts.

Stage 2 is similar to stage 1, but this time, the abstraction level of the graph is raised one step up. Rather than finding the single shortest path through Guides between Waypoints, the aim now is to find routes through Waypoints between Controls, Starts and Finishes, including both the single shortest route, but also a variety of alternate routes.

Stage 2 is performed once for every leg in the defined courses.

Stage 2a: Shortest route choice

In stage 2a, Dijkstra's algorithm is utilised once again. The search now originates at a Control or Start, and through the paths found in stage 1, the single shortest route to another Control or to a Finish is found.

Stage 2b: Alternate route choices

In stage 2b, alternate routes are found, as comparing different route choices is commonly of interest in orienteering.

For this stage, a modified version of Yen's algorithm is used, with Dijkstra's algorithm again used for the underlying graph traversal.

With Yen's algorithm, variants of the route from stage 2a are created. These variants follow the original route for a certain number of paths, after which point they are forced to diverge (without backtracking). The remaining route is then computed as usual, save for the excluded path that the original route followed at the diversion point. A full set of variants is created, each diverging at a different path in the original route. The shortest variant is then stored alongside the original, and the two shortest routes have then been found.

To find more variants, this stage is repeated, but referencing the most recently stored route instead of the shortest route. Along the way, the new variants are compared to all the stored routes to ensure different variants are found.

Conventionally, Yen's algorithm terminates once a certain number of alternate routes have been found (or when no more alternatives can be found). However, no fixed number of alternate routes can be chosen here, so instead, termination depends on the distance of the newly-found alternate route. In this case, the algorithm is halted when the shortest new variant is more than twice the distance of the shortest route.

Another modification is that, rather than only storing the shortest variant and purging all others between iterations, only some of the leftover variants are purged, with the shortest 40% kept in the temporary pool for comparison against the next variants. The shortest of these leftover variants is then stored in the next iteration if all the new variants are longer. The effect is that a few additional (interesting) alternate routes, which otherwise would be discarded, are stored, though this comes at a severe performance penalty: the vast majority of computation time is spent here, because the pool of variants takes much longer to deplete in this implementation than with the standard version of Yen's algorithm.

Stage 3: Filtering

Implemented in src/lib/pathfinding/pick-routes.ts.

Not all routes found in stage 2b are interesting. Most of them include meaningless detours that no human would ever deliberately take, while others may be needlessly complex, e.g. changing floors without the slightest hint of benefit. To address this, routes are filtered before being shown to the user.

When filtering alternative routes for a leg, up to two routes are kept unconditionally: the absolute shortest route, and the shortest route among the routes with the least elevation gain. "Up to" two, because the absolute shortest route often also has the least elevation gain, though not always. Beyond this, filtering is carried out in multiple steps.

Stage 3a: Exclude duplicates

The first filter is very straightforward: duplicates are excluded. If two "different" routes contain the same points in the same order, they are obviously redundant, and only one should be kept.

Stage 3b: Exclude outliers by distance

If most of the route variants are close in distance, but a few are significantly longer than the rest, chances are good that these outliers represent nonsensical route choices.

To detect this, the median distance of the variants are found, and any variants exceeding a certain threshold relative to the median distance are discarded. This threshold is set to 1.2, or 120% of the median distance.

Stage 3c: Exclude basic detours

What might in some cases present a meaningful obstacle or an interesting decision may in other cases be nothing more than an intuitive formality.

To put this into perspective, consider a road junction from the view of a pedestrian. Crossing from one corner to an adjacent corner is trivial: just cross the one road between them. However, it is also possible to reach the same corner by going the other way around the junction, crossing the other three roads instead, but this is obviously a meaningless detour.

To detect such detours, the Waypoints of alternate routes are compared: If e.g. route A contains every Waypoint from route B in the same order, but then also contains one or more additional Waypoints, route A is discarded.

Stage 3d: Filter by distance

The gist of this filter is that excessively long routes are discarded, but with more leeway if a long route has less elevation gain than the shortest route, and, of course, with less leeway in the opposite case.

Comparison of a route to the shortest_route on the same leg uses their elevation gains and distances, as well as a baseline threshold, which much be at least 1 - it is fixed to 1.7 in the implementation.

Based on these parameters, a weighted_threshold is calculated to account for differences in elevation gain:


... where d is the following:


This weighted_threshold is then used when comparing the distance of the route to that of the shortest_route, discarding the route if the following inequality is false:


For this consideration, the "mandatory distance" is excluded. A route may contain mandatory distance if one or both of the Controls it connects are located at dead ends in the graph. For such Controls, a portion of the route necessarily has no decisions whatsoever, meaning some of its distance is mandatory.

Stage 3e: Filter by sameness

Usually, most of the route variants on a given leg have a lot of overlap, meaning their comparatively trivial differences mostly serve as clutter, obscuring the more interesting variations. While the filtering in stage 3c takes care of the most egregious cases, more sophisticated filtering is still required. Indeed, this is the most complex filter of them all.

In essence, a route with too much overlap with any shorter route on the same leg is discarded, with less leeway provided on a few conditions, proportional to the "offence":

  • Routes with more elevation gain than the shortest route.
  • Routes that are longer than the shortest route.
  • Legs where the shortest route is very short.

To elaborate on the third condition, it is worth noting that the general distance threshold is set relatively high to accommate route choices on the hardest legs. For these, the shortest route choice may be significantly shorter than the others, but also much more complex to identify and execute, meaning some fairly long alternatives are still interesting to compare against. However, on very short legs, a stricter distance threshold would be an advantage, since their routes tend to be much less complex. For those, the longest route choices within the high threshold will often appear very obviously poor. Still, in a few cases, it may be desirable to compare distinctly different route choices, even if one is quite a bit longer than the other, so this skewed distance filtering needs to be a part of the sameness filter rather than the general distance filter.

When iterating over the route variants to apply this filter, the current_route is compared against each shorter_route in the pool.

To determine sameness, the shared_distance between the two routes is calculated: when two consecutive points in the current_route are also used in the same order in the shorter_route, the distance between them contributes to the shared_distance. The sameness of the current_route relative to the shorter_route is then calculated as follows:


The sameness of the current_route is compared against two thresholds, and if either threshold is exceeded, the current_route is discarded.

The first threshold, max_sameness, is a fixed upper limit on sameness, which is set to 0.5 in the implementation, meaning no more than 50% overlap is permitted.

The second threshold, weighted_max_sameness, is where the complexity of the filter is expressed. It depends on three derived parameters: detour_ratio, extra_elevation_gain and short_leg_detour_penalty. These parameters attempt to describe how much worse the current_route is compared not to the shorter_route, but to the optimal shortest_route on the leg.

The detour_ratio describes the relative distance of the current_route versus the distance of the shortest_route:


The extra_elevation_gain is how much more elevation gain (in whole floors) the current_route has compared to the shortest_route, or 0 if it has the same or less elevation gain.

The short_leg_detour_penalty is calculated from a list of distance thresholds (this time being absolute distance rather than relative) and the distance of shortest_route. For how many times each distance threshold is greater than the shortest route (rounded down), the short_leg_detour_penalty is increased by 1. If the distance of the shortest route is 25 m, then a distance threshold of 40 would add 1 to the short_leg_detour_penalty, while a distance threshold of 50 would add 2. The implementation does indeed use distance thresholds of 40 and 50.

The weighted_max_sameness is then calculated according to the following expression:


... in which the argument n involves the extra_elevation_gain and short_leg_detour_penalty like so:


... and the function powSelf is implemented in a way to very aggressively scale the detour_ratio:

function powSelf(x: number, n: number)
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        x = x ** x;

    return x;

The effect is that the weighted_max_sameness (and thus the permitted amount of overlap between the current_route and the shorter_route) becomes very low when one or more of the three aforementioned conditions (more elevation gain, more distance, short leg) are met.

In other words, alternate routes are limited in how much overlap they can have with other (shorter) routes, and they are especially limited when, compared to the shortest route on the leg, they are much longer or have more elevation gain, or when the leg as a whole is very short.

As in stage 3d, "mandatory distance" is excluded from these considerations.

Stage 3f: Exclude crossover detours

The final filter is intended to catch a few instances of an edge case, where an intuitively poor route choice slips through the filters by virtue of being just different enough from the other routes - at least when compared to each in isolation - without adding too much distance.

Specifically, if route A follows route B for some distance, then diverges and later follows route C, then route A may evade the sameness filter by sharing with different routes. If route A is then also longer than both B and C, then hopping between B and C is unlikely to be a good route choice, and route A is discarded.


The orienteering map of VIA University College Horsens, both in full at static/via-map.jpg and partially at example.png, is under copyright belonging to Horsens Orienteringsklub as detailed in The map is not licensed to outside parties.

The rest of the via-indoor-analysis repository is licensed under the copyleft GNU AGPLv3 or any later version. The full license text is included in


Route choice analysis tool for indoor sprint orienteering at VIA University College Horsens.





