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As I am actively working on the project, things may be broken from time to time, I apologise in advance for any bugs or faults you may encounter when downloading directly from the repository.

Hoping to put out a proper release of all three parts of the project again some time soon.

Expanded Galaxy Hood

KotOR : Expanded Galaxy : Brotherhood of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge! is a port of the first game's biggest mod to KotOR : Expanded Galaxy.

Repository folder and file structure


Expanded Galaxy Hood Installer - the brotherhood installer folder containing the source folder and tslpatchdata folder as well as HoloPatcher.

future - future stuff to work on.

modules - contains the level files organised into folders denoting the planet and module names as well as the .mod files themselves, I use this to quickly and easily repack levels.

Scripts Left To Decompile - scripts that haven't been decompiled yet exist here.


  • .gitattributes - the gitattributes file.
  • .gitignore - the gitignore file.
  • - the file.
  • update-modules.bat - A batch file used for updating the .mod files inside the "Expanded Galaxy Hood Installer\tslpatchdata\modules" directory using those from the "Modules Source" folder.
  • version.txt - the current version number.


Requires the Main & Port parts of the project! [] + []

Playing the game

launcher.bat - is for choosing between KotOR1, KotOR2 & BoSSR and is installed to the main game directory.