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As I am actively working on the project, things may be broken from time to time, I apologise in advance for any bugs or faults you may encounter when downloading directly from the repository.

Hoping to put out a proper release of all three parts of the project again some time soon.

Terms to know right off the bat:

K1/KotOR1: Knights of the Old Republic 1

K2/KotOR2/TSL: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

BoS/BoSSR: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge

Main: TSL: Expanded Galaxy

Port: KotOR: Expanded Galaxy

Hood: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge: Expanded Galaxy

Expanded Galaxy Main

Expanded Galaxy is a mod that adds the planets from the first game and a bunch of fixes / changes / additions.

The current version is only compatible with the Steam version of the game or anyone that uses the Aspyr Patch, which can be installed to other versions of the game. ( see step 3 ) []

In future I might circle back around and make it compatible with the other versions of the game as there are pro's and con's to both versions.

Repository folder and file structure


Expanded Galaxy Main Installer - the main installer folder containing the source folder and tslpatchdata folder as well as HoloPatcher.

future - future stuff to work on.

  • 001MAL - to remind me to work on a version of the Ebon Hawk to be used on Malachor based on 001EBO.
  • 201TEL - might not be used, was considering adding the ability to travel back to the Telos surface.
  • LegacySupport - notes and files for legacy support.
  • New Global Scripts - new global scripts.
  • New Worlds Setup - template script for setting up new worlds.
  • Texture Overhaul - the beginnings of a set of lists that will eventually be used as a basis for working on a texture overhaul for the project.
  • Kashyyyk Maze - notes on an idea.
  • mobile.png - notes on converting audio for the mobile release.

includes - temporary includes folder to be used in compile all script.

modules - contains the level files organised into folders denoting the planet and module names as well as the .mod files themselves, I use this to quickly and easily repack levels.

saves - the latest common save for testing purposes.

Scripts Left To Decompile - scripts that haven't been decompiled yet exist here.


  • .gitattributes - the gitattributes file.
  • .gitignore - the gitignore file.
  • compile-all-nss-in-all-sub-directories.bat - a batch script for compiling all scripts in all sub-directories.
  • find-includes.bat - a batch script to generate a list of all scripts that use include scripts.
  • generate-override-file-list.bat - a batch script for generating the override folder file list for use in the changes.ini file.
  • includes.txt - a text file generated by "find-includes.bat" that contains a list of all scripts that use include scripts.
  • nwnnsscomp.exe - nwnnsscomp
  • nwscript.nss - nwscript.nss source script
  • - the file.
  • - the file.
  • update-modules.bat - A batch file used for updating the .mod files inside the "Expanded Galaxy Main Installer\tslpatchdata\modules" directory using those from the "modules" folder.
  • version.txt - the current version number.


The following install order is required for Expanded Galaxy Main:

NOTE : Do not use the Steam Workshop for any mods when using this project.

1: (KotOR 2 TSL) []

2: 1.0B Patch "sw_pc_english_from200424_to210427.exe" ( GoG & Steam Users Must Skip This Step ) []

3: Aspyr Patched Files ( Optional for GoG & Disc Users ) ( Steam Users Must Skip This Step ) []

4: TSLRCM []

5: M4-78EP []

6: Coruscant []

7: TSL Expanded Galaxy (Main) (the mod provided by this repo)

Optional Add-ons

8: KotOR Expanded Galaxy (Port) []

9: Brotherhood (Hood) []