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Princess Luna is a Discord bot designed for Thorinair's official Glory of The Night Discord server.


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Princess Luna

Princess Luna is a Discord bot designed for Thorinair's official Glory of The Night Discord server. The bot features multiple different commands, automatic announcements, server role management, now playing information during Thorinair's show and a chatbot.

alt text


  • Announces the upcoming show airtime and when the show ends.
  • Promotes and greets new members.
  • Announces the Full Moon phase.
  • Sends info about tracks playing on PonyvilleFM during the show.
  • Features a chatbot which learns from the messages sent in the server.
  • The bot tracks any "h" chains across different channels and replies to them.
  • Can list physical sensor data of Thorinair's real life room.
  • Can send information about Thorinair's Nightmare Rarity 3D printer.
  • Full integration with the Ikea Tradfri RGB smart bulbs.
  • Supports motionEye detection notifications via web interface.
  • Can control and emulate human presence via light automatic bulb control.
  • Automatically processes Chryssy Geiger counter information.
  • Blitzortung lightning data integration.
  • Support for defining react-roles in config/reactrole.json.
  • Support for handling automatic meetup scheduling.
  • Automatically publishes messages in specified channels.
  • Features a variety of commands:
    • !gotn Lists the time left until the next Glory of The Night episode. You may also specify the timezone after the command.
    • !mlp Lists the time left until the next My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode. You may also specify the timezone after the command.
    • !time Lists the current date and time. You may also specify the timezone after the command.
    • !np Lists the currently playing track on PonyvilleFM.
    • !phase Lists info about the Moon phases. You may also specify the timezone after the command.
    • !moon Sends an image of the Moon as it is right now, along with additional info. Data is based on the Luna Moon dataset.
    • !room Lists the physical status of Thorinair's real life room. Powered using the VariPass website.
    • !power Lists the status of the mains power. The bot will keep running of a UPS if power goes out.
    • !eeg Writes out the latest brainwave data gathered using Thorinair's hacked MindFlex EEG headset.
    • !printer Lists the status of Thorinair's Nightmare Rarity 3D printer. Also sends a photo of the printer's webcam.
    • !devices Writes details and sends a picture about all the different devices which are part of Thorinair's Lunar Infrastructure. Use the command without parameters to get a list, and then with the device name as parameter to get more detailed info.
    • !blacklist Adds the user to a blacklist so their messages are not saved for training purposes.
    • !coin Flips a coin which may land either heads or tails.
    • !minesweeper Creates a minesweeper grid using Discord spoiler tags. Set the difficulty by adding a number 1, 2 or 3 after the command.
    • !waifu Performs the Waifu2x ANN scaling algorithm on the image given as attachment. You can specify the noise level and scale using parameters nX and sX respectively. This command makes use of the Queen Chrysalis extension running on a separate server.
    • !spools Lists the weights of all added empty filament spools.
    • !seismo Returns the latest seismographic data from Maud (RaspberryShake) and also returns a helicorder recording for past 12 hours.
    • !pop Generates a textual bubble wrap that users can pop.
    • !owo Converts a piece of text to a cringy OwO-speak version.
    • !custom Lists all available custom interractions for a server or channel.
    • !thori Sends Thorinair's location info, pulled from VariPass. Users need to be whitelisted in order to use this command.
    • !temp Lists the measured RaspberryPi CPU and GPU temperatures, along with Thorinair's body temperature.
    • !stats Lists the bot's current statistics for a channel. You may also specify the timezone after the command.
    • !stats Lists information about the bot and links the source code.
    • !help Lists all available commands.
    • The bot can interract with people. Mention someone or multiple people after the command to interract with them. Supported commands: !hug, !kiss, !boop, !glomp, !snuggle, !nuzzle, !wings, !snack, !floof, !nom, !preen, !blep, !pet, !groom, !tickle, !rawr, !eee, !socks, !plushie, !unplushie.
  • Commands usable by DJs (set roles):
    • !lyrics Lists lyrics of a specified track. Can also list lyrics of tracks on PonyvilleFM. Use "list" parameter to list all known lyrics.
    • !art Shows art for a specified track. Functions similar like previous command to show art for tracks on PonyvilleFM. Use "list" parameter to list all known art.
    • !story Writes the story of a specified track. Can also list stories of tracks on PonyvilleFM. Use "list" parameter to list all known stories.
    • !npt Manually toggles the automatic listing of Now Playing info for a specific channel.
    • !npo Overrides the Now Playing info shown for PonyvilleFM One with a new value.
  • Private commands for the admin:
    • !stop Stops the currently active Glory of The Night session and sends the relevant announcements.
    • !send Sends a message to a channel. Specify the channel name after the command, and message in the lines below.
    • !l Posts the lyrics of currently playing track to all active Now Playing channels.
    • !learn Manually trains the bot using specified text. Specify the brain name in the same line as command, text in new lines. Retroactively teaching data from older chat logs? Please refer to the guide below on how to clean the data up.
    • !purge Purges data from a brain specified after the command. A starting and ending message should be specified below the command.
    • !nppause Pauses the autoamtic fetching of Now Playing info from PonyvilleFM. This allows the !npo command to be used without being interrupted. Use the command again to resume.
    • !npstatus Lists the current status of automatic Now Playing info announcing across channels.
    • !nppurge Disables the automatic Now Playing info announcing for all channels.
    • !lyricsadd Adds lyrics to the database. Specify a track name after the command, and lyrics in the lines below. If the lyrics are longer than 2000 characters, call the command multiple times for more parts.
    • !lyricsdel Removes lyrics from the database. Specify a track name after the command.
    • !artadd Adds an art to the database. Specify a track name after the command, and the art URL in the line below.
    • !artdel Removes an art from the database. Specify a track name after the command.
    • !storyadd Adds a story to the database. Specify a track name after the command, and the story text in the lines below.
    • !storydel Removes a story from the database. Specify a track name after the command.
    • !spooladd Adds an empty filament spool weight to the database. Specify the spool name after the command, and the weight in the line below. The command will automatically remove the unit from the weight if you added it. It is suggested to add the net weight as last word to the name of the spool as well, so RariTUSH can properly display the data once loaded.
    • !spooldel Removes a filament spool weight from the database. Specify a spool name after the command.
    • !h Lists the current status of any h chains.
    • !ignore Forcefully adds a user ID to a learning ignore list.
    • !mood Changes the mood of a larger group of the Ikea Tradfri bulbs to one of the preset configurations available. Use without a mood name to list all available ones.
    • !bulb Changes the parameters of a single Ikea Tradfri bulb. Supports both HEX color codes and xyY color space. Use without parameters to list all available bulbs.
    • !toggle Toggles a single Ikea Tradfri bulb. Use without parameters to list all available bulbs.
    • !battery Writes out a list of battery statuses from all Tradfri remotes.
    • !schedulestart Starts an automated schedule for toggling the lightbulbs. Specify number of days after the command.
    • !schedulestop Stops the active automated schedule for toggling the lightbulbs.
    • !eegstart Starts recording the brainwave data through the EEG system.
    • !eegstop Finishes recording the EEG data and processes it. Four different files are sent: basic values, raw brainwave data, lowpassed data and data smoothed with exponential moving average.
    • !leave Leave a specified server that the bot has previously joined. Call the command without a server ID to list all servers the bot may leave.
    • !camera Start or stop the attached camera. Use on or off as a parameter after the command.
    • !stream Start or stop the live stream routing of the camera. Use start or stop as a parameter after the command.
    • !ann Enable or disable the ANN functionalities. Use on or off as a parameter after the command. If off is specified, supply the message other users will see in a new line below the command.
    • !chase Start or stop storm chasing mode. While active, the bot will send direct messages on lightning strikes to the admin, based on Thorinair's location.
    • !wake Wakes up a turned off computer on the local network which has Wake on LAN enabled. Specify the computer's name after the command.
    • !reboot Reboots the bot by exiting the process, letting the service restart it automatically.
    • !reload Reloads the configuration files. Note that only the actual configuration will be reloaded, and reloading may not sometimes be enough to change the behavior.
    • !backup Creates a backup of the data and config directories and sends it as a file through Discord.
    • !system Performs a system-level command on the host operating system. Currently available commands: reboot


Princess Luna provides access to a REST API in order for various devices to request certain actions to be done or request data retrieval. Below is a full list of all actions she can perform:

  • Requests for bot actions:
    • power Tells Luna the current status of the power grid. Used for warnings when the power goes out. This action should be called every few minutes in order for the feature to be effective.
    • motion Called by the Tantabus surveillance system when a motion is detected on one of the cameras. This will allow Luna to post photo from the camera the motion was detected on and warn the users.
    • boot Called by most devices which are part of the Lunar Infrastructure in order for Luna to post that a certain device has booted up.
    • eeg Called by the Lulu EEG system to submit brainwave data to Luna for further processing.
    • celly Called by the Celly device to perform a data dump for debug purposes.
    • toggle Requests a toggle of one or more Ikea Tradfri devices.
    • state Requests an explicit "on" or "off" of a one or more Ikea Tradfri devices.
    • mood Requests a specific mood to be set to the Ikea Tradfri light bulbs.
    • camera Turns the camera attached to Luna on or off.
    • stream Starts or stops routing the camera's data to a public URL.
    • reboot Requests a reboot of the bot itself.
    • reload Requests the config to be reloaded.
    • waifu Called by Queen Chrysalis while processing the !waifu command. May be called multiple times for various needs.
    • tush Called by RariTUSH to notify Luna about the spool's current weight and spinning data.
  • Requests for data:
    • ping Called by Luna on herself to verify her API works.
    • spools Called by RariTUSH to update her filament spool list.
    • l Called by ExclamL to make Luna post lyrics data.
    • lq Called by ExclamL to check if the current track has any lyrics. The response will also contain the name of the current track for deteting if the track has changed.
  • JSON requests:
    • np Called by NP-Overlay to get the Now Playing info of the current track.
    • lyrics Called by NP-Overlay to fetch lyrics of the current track.

Cleaning Up Chatlogs For Training

You can use a software like Sublime Text in order to clean up previous chatlogs copied from Discord in order to use them for training. The examples below show various regex formulas you can use to clean up different unwanted data from copy pasted Discord chatwindow:

  • User names, timestamps and newlines: \n.* at [0-9]+:+[0-9]+ [A-Z]+
  • Mentioned users (will also remove some text): @.*
  • Channels (will also remove some text): #.*
  • Level up messages from Tatsumaki bot (do this before emojis): :[a-zA-Z0-9]+: \| .* leveled up!\n
  • Emojis: :[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+:
  • URLs: http(|s):\/\/(\S+)*
  • Double newlines: \n

Privacy & Data Collection

This bot stores message history in plain text files and uses them as training data upon startup. The files are not available to anyone using the bot other than the admin who has access to the file system the bot is running on. The messages are stored anonymously (no user names are saved) and the messages are kept either indefinitely or until too many messages have accumulated for a certain brain (see the config.json file). Message history can also be manually deleted. Plain text storage allows for later editing in case the data needs to be modified (cleanup and such). The messages are stored only in the channels where learning has been enabled. Please use the !stats command to verify whether any data collection will take place in the specific channel. In case a user wants to completely prevent their messages from being gathered anywhere, they can simply use the !blacklist command.


Princess Luna is a Discord bot designed for Thorinair's official Glory of The Night Discord server.







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