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杨博 (Yang Bo) edited this page Mar 7, 2017 · 46 revisions

I get the error each instructions must be inside a SDE block, how can I fix this? (Moved to Stack Overflow)

The code that causes this error is that your bind expression must not be outside of the scope of the @dom macro. This can happen when creating a closure (for example { item => <div>{item.bind}</div> }) and can be resolved by:

  • Refactoring the code in the closure into its own @dom annotated method.

  • Converting someCollection to a BindingSeq, for example:

    Constants(someCollection: _*).map { item => <div>{item.bind}</div> }
  • Provide a scalaz.Traverse type class for the collection (Run this example on ScalaFiddle)

    @dom def renderList(data: List[Binding[String]]) = <ol>{
      import scalaz.std.list._ // Type classes for List
      for (b <- data) yield {

How do I create a Binding of HTML node with empty HTML content? Moved to StackOverflow

Wrap an HTML comment:

@dom def maybeEmpty: Binding[Node] = {
  if (math.random > 0.5) {
    <div>non-empty content</div>
  } else {
    <!-- empty content -->

My input html forms misses focus/empties when a Var changes

Maybe you defined the <input ...> and .bind in the same @dom method and the <input ...> is after .bind. Try to refactor the .bind and <input ...> into separate @dom methods or let the .bind expression nested in another DOM.

For example:

@dom def render(data: Binding[Int]) = {
  val className: String = s"class-name-for-div-${data.bind}"

  // <div> and <input> will be recreated once data changes.
  <div class={className}>
    <input type="text"/>
@dom def render(data: Binding[Int]) = {
  val myInput = <input type="text"/>
  val className: String = s"class-name-for-div-${data.bind}"

  // <div> will be recreated once data changes.
  // <input> will not be recreated.
  <div class={className}>
@dom def render(data: Binding[Int]) = {
  // <div> and <input> will not be recreated when data changes.
  // Only the class attribute will be changed.
  <div class={s"class-name-for-div-${data.bind}"}>
    <input type="text"/>
@dom def render(data: Binding[Int]) = {
  @dom val className: Binding[String] = s"class-name-for-div-${data.bind}"

  // <div> and <input> will not be recreated when dataValue changes,
  // only the class attribute will be changed.
  <div class={className.bind}>
    <input type="text"/>

I am getting Stack Overflow when compiling.

For complex web views, stack size is not enough. You need to increase it for the compiler. For sbt you can do it adding a .sbtopts in the root of your project with the line:


Intellij complains that I should have Binding[Node] instead of Elem (Moved to Stack Overflow)

Intellij doesn't support macro annotation. To make it happy, bring the following implicit into the scope

implicit def makeIntellijHappy(x: scala.xml.Node): Binding[org.scalajs.dom.raw.Node] = ???

This code is never actually executed.

How do I declare embedded css?

Use a CDATA section in the style element.

@dom def css = <style>
    body {
      background-color: lightblue;
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