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Use in player

TianZerL edited this page Aug 11, 2020 · 10 revisions

By DirectShow Filter

Details for Anime4KCPP DSFilter.
Download Anime4KCPP DSFilter, and unzip it.

Take MPC-BE as an example:
Add Anime4KCPPDS.dll to External Filters, and check prefer

MPE-BE settings

By GLSL shader

GLSL shader is for MPV based players, about details and how to use it, see ACNetGLSL.

By AviSynthPlus

Install AviSynthPlus x64

First you need to download AviSynthPlus x64 from here and install it

Download Anime4KCPP AviSynthPlus plugin

Download it from here, and unzip it.

Download a decoder plugin

You need a decoder plugin, ffms2 is recommended, download it and unzip it to AviSynth+\plugins64+, or you can load it by code.

Write the script of AviSynthPlus

Script of AviSynthPlus is very easy to write, just create a new file with suffix '.avs'
Here is an example:

    # MT Mode 1,2,3 are all supported, set it to 1(MT_NICE_FILTER) for saving memory
    SetFilterMTMode("Anime4KCPP", MT_NICE_FILTER)
    SetFilterMTMode("FFAudioSource", 3)
    SetFilterMTMode("FFVideoSource", 3)

    #LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\ffms2.dll")# Load decoder if necessary
    LoadPlugin("D:\Temp\anime4k\AvsPmod\Anime4KCPP_AviSynthPlus.dll")# Set the path of Anime4KCPP plugin

    path = "D:\Temp\anime4k\[Kamigami] Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S - NCOP1 [BD 1920x1080 H264 DTS-HD].mkv" #Your video path here

    A = FFAudioSource(path)
    V = FFVideoSource(path).Anime4KCPP(GPUMode=true, zoomFactor=2, ACNet=true, HDN =true).Prefetch(12) #Set your thread number here

    AudioDub(V, A)

You can also find this example in Anime4KCPP_AviSynthPlus_plugin package, which named ACPlay.avs.

Use a player to open the script

Most of players in Windows can play the avs script, such as MPC-HC, MPC-BE, Potplayer and ect...
Open the script file with suffix '.avs' with your favorite player.