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Version 0.1.7-ALPHA

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@ya-enot ya-enot released this 07 Aug 18:18
· 17 commits to filatov-dev since this release

One more step towards the future of a decentralized database, TiesDB 0.1.7 is becoming more robust and reliable. Routine refactoring of the project code made it cleaner and more undestandable not to mention readability. Recollection result caching added on the node side to reduce response delay and improve speed. Active work is underway to improve Healing and other aspects of TiesDB operation.


  • Next milestone of Healing implementation
  • Added Recollection result caching on the nodes
  • TiesDB protocol internal improvements
  • Routine project refactoring
  • Other fixes and improvements

Run instructions

Before running a TiesDB node you should install go-ethereum locally following the instructions from After installation succeeded you could start geth for rinkeby network using the following command:

geth --rinkeby --datadir .rinkeby --cache 512 --rpc --rpcaddr --syncmode "light"

After geth is successfully starting you should wait for full synchronisation with selected network, to be able to access newly created tables.
For running a TiesDB node instance please install it by downloading and unpacking the binary distribution or building it from source. Then run the following command in TiesDB installation directory:


Build instructions

For building a TiesDB node from sources you should preinstall several tools:

After installing prerequisites run the following commands in sources directory:

For building a custom version of cassandra (required for TiesDB node):

cd node/node-elassandra/elassandra/core/cassandra
ant clean mvn-install

For building TiesDB node:

mvn package -Pnode -Pnode-elassandra

On successful build, you could find the assembled binary package in node/node-elassandra/target directory.