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Releases: TillFleisch/ESPHome-Philips-Smart-Coffee


08 Jun 16:58
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.0.3...v3.0.4


17 Apr 16:43
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.0.3


31 Mar 16:42
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Custom PCB

This project has convinced me to design my first PCB (printed circuit board). This rather simple ESP8266-12F-based design was inspired by the Wemos D1 Mini, which I was using previously. When using this PCB the ribbon cable connecting the mainboard to the display must not be cut in half and no soldering is required. The Schematics, PCB Layout and BOM are available here on and an accompanying 3D-printable case for the small PCB is available here on


What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.0.2


16 Mar 16:02
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1


07 Mar 20:52
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Support for more coffee machines and languages

This release adds support for the EP3243 and EP3246 coffee machines from the Series 3200.
Furthermore, localization and internationalization support has been added!
The status sensor can now provide updates in different languages. Currently supported languages include English(en-US) and German(de-DE).
Furthermore, the Busy state has been replaced with beverage-specific states such as "Brewing Coffee". This makes tracking beverage-specific counts easier.

Breaking changes.

Since different model numbers are supported now, the component name has been changed to make the naming convention less confusing.
The component name (platform type) must be changed from philips_series_2200 to philips_coffee_machine.
The use_cappuccino option on the status sensor has been removed. When using model: EP2235 on the main component, the status sensor will still report Cappuccino.
Since the Busy state has been split up into beverage-specific states scripts and automations relying on this state must be updated.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v3.0.0


14 Feb 20:47
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2


10 Feb 20:23
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1


03 Feb 18:46
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In this release, the location of sub-components has changed to be more in line with ESPHomes standards. Due to the underlying changes, this is a breaking change and users need to reconfigure their yaml configurations.

Bean and size selection have been simplified into a single beverage setting component. Additionally, a default option (ANY) has been added to the source option of this component to make changing beans/size easier. In its default configuration, the number component will be available if any beverage is selected and not only on the selected source.

The commands used for spoofing the coffee machine have been consolidated into a configuration file to make changing them easier.

Breaking Changes

The platform type must be changed from philips_status_sensor,philips_power_switch,philips_action_button,philips_bean_settings and philips_size_settings to philips_series_2200.

The state OFF on the status component has been renamed to Off. Any scripts/automations relying on this state must be updated.

The number components (beverage setting) are now configured differently:

Old New
  - platform: philips_bean_settings
    name: "Coffee beans"
    controller_id: philip
    status_sensor_id: status
    source: COFFEE

  - platform: philips_size_settings
    name: "Coffee size"
    controller_id: philip
    status_sensor_id: status
    source: COFFEE
  - platform: philips_series_2200
    type: bean
    name: "Coffee beans"
    controller_id: philip
    status_sensor_id: status
    source: COFFEE

  - platform: philips_series_2200
    type: size
    name: "Coffee size"
    controller_id: philip
    status_sensor_id: status
    source: COFFEE

What's Changed

  • Refactor component structure by @TillFleisch in #31
  • Change "OFF" status to "Off" 1b73962
  • Add default any source option to beverage settings 232d5eb
  • Remove magic numbers, Add custom command set option cc5ab2b

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0


30 Jan 20:21
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Initial Release

This project integrates a Philips Series 2200 Coffee Machine into into Home Assistant through ESPHome. This component has been developed on a Philips EP2220 and an ESP8266. It provides a Power Switch, a Status sensor and various Buttons which simulate user input. The Power Switch can be used to turn on the coffee machine with and without a cleaning cycle during startup.

This release contains nothing special. Its sole purpose is to get GitHub releases up and running.

What's Changed

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