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Neon Panda

🐼 Ghost CMS theme for


  • Uses a strict 5-component colour scheme:
    • #2b2b2b #2b2b2b Background
    • #31393b #31393b Middleground
    • #e8fafd #e8fafd Foreground
    • #25d7e5 #25d7e5 Cyan
    • #ff7959 #ff7959 Orange
  • Defines styles for the index view, post view and a page view.
  • Supports filtering posts by tags.
  • Supports lazy-loading for thumbnail images on the index page.
  • Automatically adds anchor links to <h1> and <h2> tags in posts and pages.
  • Supports responsive images, works well on mobile!
  • Supports syntax highlighting via Prism.
  • Supports inline LaTeX via MathJax.
  • Adds social media buttons and Disqus comments to all posts.

Using this theme

Neon Panda is designed for Ghost v1+, but could theoretically work on older versions too. You can download this theme as a ZIP archive using the appropriate button above and import it into your Ghost setup.

Initial setup

By default, Neon Panda supports only two tags: Blog (blog) and Projects (projects). The images below show how the tags should be set up.

1. Create the tags in your Ghost settings 2. Add a tag to your post 3. Use filter buttons to show/hide posts

If you want to define custom tags, you'll have to edit index.hbs. The filter buttons are defined inside the container. For example, if you'll create a new tag Gallery (gallery), you'll have to add the following line:

<a class="post-list-controls-button" href="#gallery" data-filter=".tag-gallery">Galleries</a>

Finally, to enable comments, you'll need to register your site on Disqus and edit partials/comments.hbs accordingly.


This templates doesn't support any analytics tools. If you want to use, say, Google Analytics, you can use the Code Injection feature (check your Ghost Admin sidebar for the relevant section).

Code and syntax highlighting

To add code snippets with syntax highlighting, you can use the standard Markdown syntax, adding language as follows:

// This code will be highlighted.
const hello = 'world';

Of course, if you use Markdown inline code snippets (i.e. \monospace`) no syntax highlighting will occur. To get syntax higlighting for inline code you can use something like const num = 3;`.

Inline LaTeX

You can add inline LaTeX snippets using $ ... $ syntax, e.g. $ \sum_{i=0}^n i^2 $. To render the equation on a new line, use the $$ ... $$ environment.

Image captions

You can add a caption to an image by specifying its title. For example, in ![Picture of a cat](./cat.jpg "This is my cat Lucy!"), This is my cat Lucy! will be displayed as the caption below the image.

Extending this theme

First, you'll need to install npm (comes with Node) and gulp. The, install all local dependencies using npm install.

This theme uses SCSS to generate CSS files. The CSS files also have to be minimised - all of this can be done using the gulp watch command, which will watch all SCSS files for changes, compile style.css, and the minimise it into style.min.css. To minify JavaScript after editing assets/js/index.js, use gulp compress-js.