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🖥️ WebUI3d2d

The WebUI3d2d class allows you to create a dynamic 3D web browser with which you can interact in the world space.

💂 Authority

This class can only be spawned on 🟧 Client

👪 Inheritance

This class shares methods and events from WebUI

🎒 Examples

Spawning a simple WebUI3d2d

local my_webui = WebUI3d2d(
    "file://"..Package.GetName().."/Client/my_cool_ui/index.html",      -- Path
    false,                                                              -- Is transparent?
    1920,                                                               -- UI width
    1080,                                                               -- UI height
    Vector(1.92, 1.08, 1),                                              -- Mesh scale
    true                                                                -- Attach 3D sound

Changing the StaticMesh and the material index used to paint the WebUI3d2d

This can have unforeseen consequences depending on the mesh and the material index used

local my_webui = WebUI3d2d(
    "",                                          -- Path
    false,                                                              -- Is transparent?
    1920,                                                               -- UI width
    1080,                                                               -- UI height
    Vector(2),                                                          -- Mesh scale
    true,                                                               -- Attach 3D sound
    "nanos-world::SM_TV_Hanging",                                       -- Mesh override
    1                                                                   -- Material index override

🛠 Constructor

local my_webui = WebUI3d2d(sPath, bTransparent, iW, iH, tScale, bAttach3DSound, sMesh, iMatIndex)
Type Name Default Description
HTML Path sPath "" Web URL or HTML File Path as file://my_file.html
boolean bTransparent false Should the WebUI3d2d be transparent
integer iW X axis of tScale The WebUI3d2d width
integer iH Y axis of tScale The WebUI3d2d height
Vector tScale Vector(1, 1, 1) The WebUI3d2d mesh scale
boolean bAttach3DSound false Should a 3D sound emitting audio from the UI be attached to this UI
string sMesh "nanos-world::SM_Plane" The mesh to use for the WebUI3d2d
integer iMatIndex -1 The material index to use for the WebUI3d2d

🦠 Methods

WebUI3d2d methods

The following methods can be called on any WebUI3d2d instance

Returns Name Description
Sound GetAttachedSound Get the WebUI3d2d attached sound
Decal GetCursorDecal Returns the cursor decal
float GetCursorSize Returns the cursor decal size
StaticMesh GetStaticMesh Get the WebUI3d2d parent mesh
boolean IsCameraTraceControlEnabled Returns wether the camera trace control is enabled or not
boolean IsCursorTraceControlEnabled Returns wether the cursor trace control is enabled or not
boolean IsCursorDecalEnabled Returns wether the 3D cursor decal is enabled or not
boolean IsInteractable Returns wether the WebUI3d2d is interactable or not
boolean IsKeyboardInputEnabled Returns wether the WebUI3d2d accept keyboard input or not
boolean IsKeyboardEventsEnabled Returns wether the WebUI3d2d allow keyboard events or not
boolean IsMouseEventsEnabled Returns wether the WebUI3d2d allow mouse events or not
MakeNoSignal Set the WebUI3d2d to a "no signal" state
SetCameraTraceControl Enable or disable the camera trace control
SetCursorTraceControl Enable or disable the cursor trace control
SetCursorDecalEnabled Enable or disable the 3D cursor decal
SetCursorSize Set the cursor decal size
SetKeyboardInputEnabled Enable or disable the keyboard input
SetKeyboardEventsEnabled Enable or disable the keyboard events
SetMouseEventsEnabled Enable or disable the mouse events
AddMouseAliasKey Add a key to the mouse aliases
RemoveMouseAliasKey Remove a key from the mouse aliases
table GetAllMouseAliasKeys Get the mouse aliases table
string GetMouseAliasKey Get the mouse button aliased to a key

Wrapper methods

The following methods are wrappers for my_webui:GetStaticMesh():SM_METHOD_NAME() and can be called on any WebUI3d2d instance

-- You can call

-- Instead of
Returns Name Description
AttachTo Attaches this WebUI3d2d to any other Actor, optionally at a specific bone
Detach Detaches this WebUI3d2d from AttachedTo Actor
table GetBounds Returns this WebUI3d2d bounds
Vector GetLocation Returns this WebUI3d2d location in the game world
Rotator GetRotation Returns this WebUI3d2d rotation in the game world
SetLifeSpan Sets the time (in seconds) before this WebUI3d2d is destroyed
Vector GetScale Returns this WebUI3d2d scale
SetLocation Set this WebUI3d2d location in the game world
SetRotation Set this WebUI3d2d rotation in the game world
SetScale Set this WebUI3d2d scale
boolean WasRecentlyRendered Returns true if this WebUI3d2d was recently rendered on screen


Get the 3D attached sound

Returns Sound

local ret = my_webui:GetAttachedSound()


Returns the cursor decal

Returns Decal

local ret = my_webui:GetCursorDecal()


Returns the cursor decal size

Returns float

local ret = my_webui:GetCursorSize()


Get the StaticMesh on which the WebUI3d2d is painted

Returns StaticMesh

local ret = my_webui:GetStaticMesh()


Returns wether the camera trace control is enabled or not

Returns boolean

local ret = my_webui:IsCameraTraceControlEnabled()


Returns wether the cursor trace control is enabled or not

Returns boolean

local ret = my_webui:IsCursorTraceControlEnabled()


Returns wether the 3D cursor decal is enabled or not

Returns boolean

local ret = my_webui:IsCursorDecalEnabled()


Returns wether the WebUI3d2d is interactable or not

If hardware cursor is enabled it'll return the result of IsCursorTraceControlEnabled
Otherwise it'll return the result of IsCameraTraceControlEnabled

Returns boolean

local ret = my_webui:IsInteractable()


Returns wether the WebUI3d2d accept keyboard input or not

Returns boolean

local ret = my_webui:IsKeyboardInputEnabled()


Returns wether the WebUI3d2d allow keyboard events or not

Returns boolean

local ret = my_webui:IsKeyboardEventsEnabled()


Returns wether the WebUI3d2d allow mouse events or not

Returns boolean

local ret = my_webui:IsMouseEventsEnabled()


Set the WebUI3d2d to a "no signal" state



Enable or disable the camera trace control (enabled by default)

Type Name Default Description
boolean bEnabled Should the camera trace control be enabled or not


Enable or disable the mouse trace control (enabled by default)

Type Name Default Description
boolean bEnabled Should the mouse trace control be enabled or not


Enable or disable the 3D cursor decal (enabled by default)

Type Name Default Description
boolean bEnabled Should the 3D cursor decal be enabled or not


Set the cursor decal size

Type Name Default Description
float fSize The new size of the cursor decal


Enable or disable the keyboard input (enabled by default)

Type Name Default Description
boolean bEnabled The new size of the cursor decal


Enable or disable the keyboard events (disabled by default)

Type Name Default Description
boolean bEnabled Should the WebUI3d2d (targeted) allow keyboard events to be triggered or not


Enable or disable the mouse events (disabled by default)

Type Name Default Description
boolean bEnabled Should the WebUI3d2d (targeted) allow mouse events to be triggered or not


Add a key to the mouse aliases

my_webui:AddMouseAliasKey(sKeyName, sMouseButton)

-- Here we make the interact key acts as a left click
my_webui:AddMouseAliasKey(Input.GetMappedKeys("Interact")[1], "LeftMouseButton")
Type Name Default Description
string sKey The key to use as alias
string sMouseButton The mouse button that will be aliased


Remove a key from the mouse aliases

Type Name Default Description
string sKey The key to be removed


Get the mouse aliases table

Returns table

local ret = my_webui:GetAllMouseAliasKeys()


Get the mouse button aliased to a key

Returns string

local ret = my_webui:GetMouseAliasKey("E")
Type Name Default Description
string sKey The key to be checked

🚀 Events

Name Description
OnWebUI3d2dTargetChange Triggered when a WebUI3d2d is targeted or untargeted


Triggered when a WebUI3d2d is targeted or untargeted

Events.Subscribe("OnWebUI3d2dTargetChange", function(xOldWebUI, xNewWebUI)

Type Argument Description
WebUI3d2d or boolean xOldWebUI The previously targeted UI, false if inexistent
WebUI3d2d or boolean xNewWebUI The new targeted UI, false on untarget