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Externet edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 17 revisions

▶️ What is PSMoveService

PSMoveService (PSMoveService Legacy) is a background service that communicates with PlayStation Move devices such as PSMove Controllers and PSVR Headsets (Morpheus). It creates an interface for other third-party apps to use device pose and button information.

ℹ️ The original repo is archived and outdated and should not be used.

▶️ What is PSMoveServiceEx

PSMoveServiceEx (PSMoveService Extended) is a fork to expand PSMoveService's lifespan with new updates such as new features and bug fixes. Here is a list that has been changed since PSMoveService Legacy:

  • Major bug fixes.
  • Major tracking improvements.
  • Major performance improvements.
  • Bluetooth pairing fix.
  • Added additional settings.
  • Updated User Interface.
  • Support for generic Webcams.
  • Support for 3rd party IMUs such as SlimeVR and owoTrack.
  • Added additional filters.
    • OrientationExternal Allows usage of 3rd party IMUs for controllers.
    • PositionExternalAttachment Allows parenting controllers to controllers. Creating Joint-Based trackers simulating 6-DoF with 3-DoF.
  • PSMove Emulation for Virtual Controllers (enables orientation for virtual controllers).
  • Improved pose calibration.
  • Automatic color calibration.

and way more... (see history of releases)

ℹ️ PSMoveServiceEx will be replaced in the future. Please take a look at Future of PSMoveServiceEx

▶️ Goal of PSMoveServiceEx

The goal of PSMoveServiceEx is to move away from PlayStation Move devices and add support for more commonly used devices such as Webcams and Phones that will always be available and make PSMoveServiceEx more future-proof. PSVR is slowly showing its age and it's hard to recommend people buy used PSVR devices - mostly the PSVR Headset Morpheus with its External Processor - because even simple PhoneVR streaming apps are getting more popular, easier to use, and more user-friendly these days.

▶️ Future of PSMoveServiceEx

Currently PSMoveServiceEx is on life support and there wont be big feature updates anymore. Reason being is that, for a lone developer maintaining this big of a project which is mainly coded in C++ can be frustrating. Thats why PSMoveServiceEx will be rebuild in .NET Core, in a different name to make my, and everyone lifes easier.

▶️ Why Color Tracking

Color tracking is one of the cheapest, primitive and reliable - if you set everything up correctly that is - tracking methods out in the wild that doesn't require special hardware to work with. You will only get positional information of tracking colored bulbs, however, for full 6-DoF tracking you still require additional IMUs (Inertial Measurement Unit) to get orientation data.

▶️ Why PlayStation Move / PSVR

PlayStation VR is the only Virtual Reality system that makes use of the visible light spectrum for 3D pose. It was and still is a very affordable Virtual Reality system for the PlayStation . It is/was also one of the most sold Virtual Reality devices on the market. A perfect candidate to port and make it available for PC. Especially back in 2016 when PCVR Virtual Reality Headsets were still very expensive and sold out a lot.

However, nowadays it's hard to recommend PlayStation VR especially with PhoneVR getting more popular, easier to use, and more user-friendly than setting up PSVR.

Also, everyone already owns a Phone?


⚠️ This page is still work in progress!