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Ruddernation Designs edited this page Aug 18, 2017 · 11 revisions


super mod commands are ONLY available if the bot is using the room owner account, Also if you have Google Authenticator enabled on your account then you will need to disabled it for this to work!

To Run all moderator commands you will need to PM the bot using !pmme.

To use super mod commands use opme (super key) it will then tell you that you're super mod, This only works if the bot is using the room owners account.

  • Super admin has Level 1 - 5 commands public and PM
  • Admin has Level 2 - 5 commands public and PM
  • Mod has Level 3 - 5 commands public and PM
  • Bot controller has Level 4 - 5 commands public and PM
  • Public has Level 5 commands public and PM only if they're enabled

Level 1

Owner/Super Commands.

  • mod (account name) - make a tinychat account a room moderator.

  • removemod (account name) - remove a Tinychat account from the room moderators.

  • directory - toggles if the room should be shown on the directory.

  • p2t - toggles if the room should be in push2talk mode.

  • green - enables/disables for greenroom mode.

  • clearbans - clear all room bans.

  • kill - shuts the bot down.

  • reboot - restarts the bot, useful if it stops functioning.

Level 2

  • public - Enables or disables public commands.

  • roompassword (password) - Adds or removes room password, example roompassword jumper.

  • campassword (password) - Adds or removes broadcasting password.

  • key (key) - changes the bot controller key.

  • nick - Change the bots display name.

Level 3

Moderator commands (Via Private Message.).

(Misc Commands)

  • op (username) - Gives a user bot controller abilities (Level 4).

  • deop (username) - Removes a user from using bot controller commands.

  • clear - clears the chatbox.

  • topic (topic) - Sets/changes the room topic.

  • userinfo (username) - shows info about a room user, userinfo ruddernation.

  • settings - Give a list of current room settings.

  • list (list type) - shows info about different lists/files, list mods


  • list (type) - Use the below types to display list.

    • mods - Displays moderators for the current room, list mods.
    • words - Displays current number of banned words, list words
    • nicks - Displays the current count of bad nicks in the list, list nicks.
    • accounts - Displays the current count of bad accounts in the list, list accounts.
    • playlist - Displays the current count of songs in the current playlist, list playlist.

(Video/Audio Commands)

  • up (key) - cams the bot up.

  • down (key) - cams the bot down.

  • nocam (Username) - disallows broadcasting of a user that is in the greenroom.

  • cam (Username) - allows broadcasting of a user that is in the greenroom.

  • close (username) - closes a users broadcast.

(Media Commands)

  • top (number) - creates a playlist from the most played tunes on

  • random (number) - creates a playlist from tunes other people are listening to on

  • tag (search term) - searches for tunes matching the search term and creates a playlist.

  • pause - pause the current video.

  • resume - Resumes a video that's in pause mode.

  • stop - stops the current video.

  • skip - Skips the current video.

  • replay - replays the last played tune.

  • clearpl - clears the playlist for all items.

  • delete (number or comma separated numbers) - deletes tracks from the playlist delete 1,4,5.


  • guests - Allow/disallow guests to join the room. Guests will be banned if disallowed.

  • guestnicks - Allow/disallow guest nicks to join. User will be kicked if disallowed.

  • badaccount (username) - Adds a username to the bad accounts file, If they try to enter they get kicked.

  • clearaccount (username) - Clears a username from the bad accounts file.

  • kick (username) - Kicks a user out of the room.

  • ban (username) - Bans a user from the room.

  • badnick (username) - adds a username to the bad nicknames file.

  • removenick (username) - Removes a username from the bad nicknames file.

  • badword (word) - Adds a word to the auto-ban list, If a user says the word in public chat are kicked.

  • removeword (word) - removes the banned word form the auto-ban word file.

  • lurkers - enables/disables lurkers.

Level 4

Level is provided by Level 3+, They can use command op (username).

  • pinfo - Displays the playlist info - next track/title/length

  • search (search term) - searches YouTube for videos matching the search term and displays 5 results in chat.

  • psearch (1-5) - plays a tune from the YouTube search or adds it to the playlist.

  • pm (Username message) - pm a user and use the bot as a bridge for if the chatter is not logged in.

  • minfo - displays the media's info - playlist length, track list, elapsed time, active track/threads

Level 5

  • opme (super key) - super admin, only available if bot is using the room owner account (Level 1) - Super Admin.

  • opme (key) - makes a user a bot controller (Level 2) - Admin Level.

  • pm (username) (message) - works like a bridge between two users not signed in.

  • private (YouTube title, link or id) - Plays a private YouTube video only for you.

  • privatesc (YouTube title, link or id) - Plays a private soundcloud song only for you.

Public commands which are used in the public chat only if they are enabled.

Level 5 - Public


  • !fullscreen - provide a link for where you can use fullscreen chat with no ads.

  • !help - Gives users a URL to my commands.

  • !uptime - shows how long the bot has been online.


  • !who? - Shows who is playing the video that is now playing.

  • !status - shows info about the playlist.

  • !next? - shows the next tune in the playlist.

  • !now? - shows info about the currently playing media.

Mod (Level 3+) commands, Normal users cannot play videos.

  • !play (YouTube title, link or id) - plays a YouTube or adds it to the playlist, play lily allen - the fear.

  • !playsc (Soundcloud title or id) - plays a Soundcloud or adds it to the playlist, playsc screaming woman.

  • !pause - pause the current video.

  • !resume - Resumes a video that's in pause mode.

  • !stop - stops the current video.

  • !skip - Skips the current video.

  • !replay - replays the last played tune.

Tinychat API

  • !spy (room name) - shows status of a room, spy ruddernation.

  • !userspy (account) - shows status of a Tinychat account, spy ruddernation.

  • !room (room name) - Shows the rooms ID.

Other API's

  • !urban (search term) - finds a definition of a search term on urban dictionary, urban wanker.

  • !whois (ip address or domain) - traces IP or domain, whois

  • !advice - Displays a random advice message.

  • !time - This gives the time based on your selected location time London.

  • !translate - This will translate words to English, translate Jeg er fantastisk.

  • !chuck - finds a random Chuck Norris quote/joke.

  • !8ball (yes/no question) - magic eight ball answers to yes/no questions. 8ball am I going to win the lotto?.

  • roll - Rolls the dice and give a number between 1-6.

  • flip - Flips a coin give heads/tails result.

Always enabled.

  • !pmme - Bot will pm you, you can then provide the operator key or super key, If public commands are enabled you can use them too.