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A project to show how many animation effects can be shown in HTML5.

It is a typing library to draw text in window. With any combination of function it make to write text as if you were actually typing.

Since this project runs as a message loop, it insert, moves, or deletes characters sequentially, even with many functions you type before start().

This project includes a webpack config file to package this project into a library for easier use.( use npm run build or npm run build-prod )

How to use

<h1 id="typewriter"></h1>
import TypeWriter from '../src/typewriter.js';

const typeWriter = new TypeWriter('typewriter', 60);

  .type('wait a minute, ', 100)
  .type('I show you', 100)
  .type('W', 225)
  .type(' the mot useful', 100)
  .move(-8, 100)
  .type('s', 400)
  .type(' typing utlity', 150)
  .move(-4, 150)
  .type(' on the internet.', 400)

You need to write your text in plain HTML tags with id and insert it as a parameter of your TypeFill class.

You can use any combination of functions: type(text, delayTime = 0), move(index, delayTime = 0), moveToStart(delayTime = 0), moveToEnd(delayTime = 0), delete(count, delayTime = 0), delay(time), newLine(delayTime = 0), gradientColor(startColor, endColor = undefined).

And finally you need to set start() to run the command.

Parameter of class

TypeWriter(elementId, speed)

  1. elementId: the id of html tag ( Any ID can be used )
  2. speed: typing speed

for example

const typeWriter = new TypeWriter('typewriter', 60);


  1. type(text, delayTime = 0): to write text
  2. move(index, delayTime = 0): to move cursor
  3. moveToStart(delayTime = 0): a override function of move for moving cursor to start of text
  4. moveToEnd(delayTime = 0): a override function of move for moving cursor to end of text
  5. delete(count, delayTime = 0): to delete count characters
  6. delay(time): to delay
  7. newLine(delayTime = 0): to enter a new line
  8. gradientColor(startColor, endColor = undefined): to write text with a gradient color

Used tools

  • JavaScript

This is a pure JavaScript library with no other libraries. So you don't need to install any other libraries to use or contribute to this project.


Take a look at this site to see how to animate as a example.