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TokuMX Hot Indexing

John Esmet edited this page Aug 1, 2013 · 2 revisions


  • Vanilla MongoDB supports background indexing. The client thread builds the index using regular indexed insertions and yields the DBWrite lock perodically. This makes the operation online.
  • TokuDB for MySQL supports hot indexing which has a similar user experience to background indexing.
  • TokuMX should be able to support background indexing by initiating the index build in a DBWrite lock and performing the actual build in a DBRead lock. Committing the hot index will take the DBWrite lock.


  • Break up index builds into three stages:
    • Write locked: Prep (validation, setup, mark the ns as containing a hot index)
    • Read locked: Build (build the index)
    • Write locked: Commit (finalize the index, mark the ns as not containing a hot index)
  • Capture system.indexes inserts higher in the stack
    • Allows for the above locking scheme.
  • Implementation notes:
    • _indexBuildInProgress is the hot index marker.
    • _indexes.size() is the number of total indexes
    • _nIndexes is the number of usable indexes
    • _indexes[_nIndexes] is the hot index, if in progress.
    • If a hot index aborts, the nsindex must rollback and close the affected ns.


  • Initiating a hot index build:
    • Cannot already have a hot index in progress for the ns.
    • all the normal rules for creating an index.
  • During a hot index build:
    • Inserts/updates/deletes should work.
    • Cannot dropIndexes/dropDatabase if a hot index is in progress.
    • Cannot run optimize on a hot index.
    • Cannot force the query optimizer to use a hot index.
    • Cannot update by _id if one of the fields is in a hot index key.
  • After a hot index build:
    • Should be possible to drop the index.
    • Should be possible to query the index.
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