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Updates, fix for addVector
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Thomas M. DuBuisson committed Dec 30, 2013
1 parent f6ac66f commit e3ccbe3
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Showing 3 changed files with 37 additions and 63 deletions.
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions Geo/Computations/Basic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ import Geo.Types
type Distance = Double

-- |Angles are expressed in radians from North.
-- 0 == North
-- pi/2 == West
-- pi == South
-- (3/2)pi == East == - (pi / 2)
-- 0 == North
-- pi/2 == West
-- pi == South
-- (3/2)pi == East == - (pi / 2)
type Heading = Double

-- |Speed is hard coded as meters per second
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ distance x y =
-- | Direction two points aim toward (0 = North, pi/2 = West, pi = South, 3pi/2 = East)
heading :: Point -> Point -> Heading
heading a b =
atan2 (sin (diffLon) * cos (lat2))
(cos(lat1) * sin (lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos lat2 * cos (diffLon))
atan2 (sin (diffLon) * cos (lat2))
(cos(lat1) * sin (lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos lat2 * cos (diffLon))
(lat1, lon1) = getRadianPair a
(lat2, lon2) = getRadianPair b
Expand All @@ -82,23 +82,23 @@ getVector a b = (distance a b, heading a b)
-- |Given a vector and coordinate, computes a new coordinate.
-- Within some epsilon it should hold that if
-- @dest = addVector (dist,heading) start@
-- @dest = addVector (dist,heading) start@
-- then
-- @heading == heading start dest@
-- @dist == distance start dest@
-- @heading == heading start dest@
-- @dist == distance start dest@
addVector :: Vector -> Point -> Point
addVector (d,h) p =
p { pntLon = toDegrees lon2
, pntLat = toDegrees lat2
, pntLat = toDegrees lat2
(lat,lon) = getRadianPair p
lat2 = asin (sin lat * cos (d / radiusOfEarth) + cos lat
(lat,lon) = getRadianPair p
lat2 = asin (sin lat * cos (d / radiusOfEarth) + cos lat
* sin(d/radiusOfEarth) * cos h)
lon2 = lon - atan2 (sin h * sin (d / radiusOfEarth) * cos lat)
lon2 = lon + atan2 (sin h * sin (d / radiusOfEarth) * cos lat)
(cos (d/radiusOfEarth) - sin lat * sin lat2)

-- | Speed in meters per second, only if a 'Time' was recorded for each waypoint.
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64 changes: 19 additions & 45 deletions Test/GpsTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,14 @@
import Data.GPS
import Geo.Computations
import Data.Time
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Fixed
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Framework (Test, defaultMain, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Text.XML.XSD.DateTime
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

instance Arbitrary LatitudeType where
arbitrary = liftM (latitudeType . flip mod' 180) arbitrary

instance Arbitrary LongitudeType where
arbitrary = liftM (longitudeType . flip mod' 180) arbitrary

instance Arbitrary DateTime where
arbitrary = liftM fromUTCTime arbitrary

instance Arbitrary UTCTime where
arbitrary = UTCTime <$> arbitrary <*> liftM (secondsToDiffTime . abs) (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)

Expand All @@ -27,53 +17,35 @@ instance Arbitrary Day where

instance Arbitrary NominalDiffTime where
arbitrary = liftM fromIntegral (arbitrary :: Gen Int)
instance Arbitrary WptType where

instance Arbitrary Point where
arbitrary =
wptType <$> arbitrary -- Lat
<*> arbitrary -- Lon
pt <$> fmap (`mod'` 90) arbitrary -- Lat
<*> fmap (`mod'` 90) arbitrary -- Lon
<*> arbitrary -- Time
<*> arbitrary -- elevation
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return [] -- LinkType
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing
<*> return Nothing

newtype Trl = Trl [WptType]
newtype Trl = Trl [Point]
deriving (Show)

instance Arbitrary Trl where
arbitrary = do
b <- arbitrary :: Gen [Int]
u_ts_d <- mapM (\i -> (,,) <$> arbitrary <*> replicateM i arbitrary <*> arbitrary) b :: Gen [(UTCTime, [WptType],NominalDiffTime)]
let u_ts_d' = sortBy (comparing (\(a,_,_) -> a)) u_ts_d
xs = concat [zipWith (setTime' . fromUTCTime) (iterate (addUTCTime d) u) x | (u,x,d) <- u_ts_d']
return $ Trl xs
b <- (`mod` 5) `fmap` arbitrary :: Gen Int
pnts <- mapM (\_ -> arbitrary) [0..abs b]
return $ Trl (sortBy (comparing pntTime) pnts)

approxEq :: WptType -> WptType -> Bool
approxEq :: Point -> Point -> Bool
approxEq a b = distance a b <= 0.2 -- error of 13cm has been observed due to floating point issues when using add vector.

pSaneDistance :: WptType -> WptType -> Bool
pSaneDistance :: Point -> Point -> Bool
pSaneDistance a b = distance a b <= circumferenceOfEarth / 2

pTriangleTheorem :: WptType -> WptType -> WptType -> Bool
pTriangleTheorem :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Bool
pTriangleTheorem a b c =
distance a b + distance b c >= distance a c -- Traditional flat-surface geometry
|| distance a b + distance b c + distance c a == 2 * pi * radiusOfEarth

pAddVector_DistanceHeading_ident :: WptType -> WptType -> Bool
pAddVector_DistanceHeading_ident :: Point -> Point -> Bool
pAddVector_DistanceHeading_ident a b =
let v = (distance a b, heading a b)
c = addVector v a
Expand All @@ -82,7 +54,7 @@ pAddVector_DistanceHeading_ident a b =
pConvexHull_Has_Extreme_Points :: Trl -> Bool
pConvexHull_Has_Extreme_Points (Trl ts) =
let ch = convexHull ts
ts' = sortBy (comparing lat) ts
ts' = sortBy (comparing pntLat) ts
northMost = last ts'
southMost = head ts'
in length ts < 3 || (northMost `elem` ch && southMost `elem` ch)
Expand All @@ -105,9 +77,11 @@ tests =
, testProperty "TriangleTheorem" pTriangleTheorem
, testProperty "Vector identity" pAddVector_DistanceHeading_ident
, testGroup "Trail Computations"
[ testProperty "Hull has extreme points" pConvexHull_Has_Extreme_Points
, testProperty "HullContainsBezier" pConvexHull_Bezier_Const]
-- These might make some sense in a local scope, but in a global range what
-- is the "left most" point? On a sphere what is a convex hull?
-- , testGroup "Trail Computations"
-- [ testProperty "Hull has extreme points" pConvexHull_Has_Extreme_Points
-- , testProperty "HullContainsBezier" pConvexHull_Bezier_Const]

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions gps.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ test-suite gps-tests
base >= 4.0,
QuickCheck >=,
test-framework >= 0.3.3 && < 0.5,
test-framework-quickcheck2 >= 0.2.9 && < 0.3,
time, GPX, hxt, xsd, vector, statistics, gps
test-framework >= 0.3.3,
test-framework-quickcheck2 >= 0.2.9,
time, vector, statistics, gps, gpx-conduit

ghc-options: -Wall
source-repository head
Expand Down

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