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Twitch "Not Interested"

Unwanted Twitch is a browser extension for hiding categories and tags on Twitch. It works by hiding the items on the list in the DOM using CSS.

A Twitch-native way to hide categories is to use the Not Interested overflow menu item.

Twitch does not have a native way to hide entire tags, so the Unwated Twitch extensions needs to be relied on to hide tags even when this script is used to hide unwanted categories.

I present a way to mass-mark categories as Not Interested on Twitch.

My motivation for this is slow performance of the Twitch tab whenever there are many hidden categories as I hide all gaming content and keep just a handful of categories I am interested in.

When on the Categories page,, this code gets the IDs and names of the loaded categories:

  .map(img => ({ id: +img.src.match(/\d+/)[0], name: img.alt.slice(0, -' cover image'.length) }))

The result is an array of objects with the id number and name string fields.

The ID is pulled from the img element src attribute value. The fact that the first number is the ID was verified by checking the GraphQL payload issued when pressing Not Interested on the item with the given image. More on this below. The URL example: In this example, 509658 is the Just Chatting category ID.

The name is pulled from the img[alt] attribute with the cover image suffix removed. This assumes English Twitch locale, which I am using.

The data of categories I want to keep:

ID Name
509658 Just Chatting
26936 Music
509660 Art
743 Chess
27284 Retro Gaming
509673 Makers & Crafting
1469308723 Software and Game Development
509670 Science & Technology

Whenever the Not Interested button is pressed, a GraphQL endpoint of the Twitch API at is hit. fetch code obtained by right-click menu item Copy > Copy as Fetch found in the Network tab on the line representing the Not Interested drop-down menu item being clicked in the Firefox dev tools:

let userAgent, clientId, deviceId, clientVersion, sessionId, authorization;
let itemId, sha256Hash;
const body = [
    operationName: 'AddRecommendationFeedback',
    variables: {
      input: {
        category: 'NOT_INTERESTED',
        itemID: itemId, // The category ID as mentioned above
        itemType: 'CATEGORY', // TODO: Does this support tags?
        sourceItemPage: 'twitch_home',
        sourceItemRequestID: 'JIRA-VXP-2397', // TODO: Needed? Meaning?
        sourceItemTrackingID: '', // NOTE: Always empty
    extensions: {
      persistedQuery: {
        version: 1,
        sha256Hash, // TODO: Needed? Meaning?

await fetch("", {
    "credentials": "include",
    "headers": {
        "User-Agent": userAgent,
        "Accept": "*/*",
        "Accept-Language": "en-US",
        "Client-Id": clientId,
        "X-Device-Id": deviceId,
        "Client-Version": clientVersion,
        "Client-Session-Id": sessionId,
        "Authorization": authorization,
        "Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8",
        "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty",
        "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
        "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-site",
        "Pragma": "no-cache",
        "Cache-Control": "no-cache"
    "referrer": "",
    "body": JSON.stringify(body),
    "method": "POST",
    "mode": "cors"

The snippet

Start by going to the Categories page. Open the developer tools, find a category you want to permanently hide, hover over it and click ⋮ > Not Interested. Go to the Network tab and find the GraphQL hit to Its payload will include the operationName field set to AddRecommendationFeedback value. Right-click on it and select Use as Fetch in Console. This will open the Console drawer with pre-filled code whose first line is this:

await fetch("", {

Change this line to this:

seed = ({

This will set a global variable named seed the script needs to work. Run this:

delete seed.credentials;
delete seed.headers['Cache-Control'];
delete seed.headers['Pragma'];
delete seed.headers['User-Agent'];

This will remove some pre-filled headers that would prevent the fetch from completing.

Hide a single category snippet

After the above setup, run this code substituting itemID with a value obtained from the img element in the query mentioned way above:

seed.body = JSON.parse(seed.body);
seed.body[0].variables.input.itemID = ;
seed.body = JSON.stringify(seed.body);
await fetch('', seed)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(text => console.log(text))

Run this code and it will cause the category with the provided itemID to be permanently hidden.

Check the Settings page to verify this.

Hide all but the allowed categories snippet

The allowed categories array is taken from the table above. The setup is as per above and then run this script:

void async function() {
  // Just Chatting: 509658, Music: 26936, Art: 509660, Chess: 743
  // Retro Gaming: 27284, Makers & Crafting: 509673,
  // Software and Game Development: 1469308723, Science & Technology: 509670
  const allowedItemIds = [509658, 26936, 509660, 743, 27284, 509673, 1469308723, 509670];
  const items = [...document.querySelectorAll('.tw-image[src*="ttv-boxart"]')]
    .map(img => ({ id: +img.src.match(/\d+/)[0], name: img.alt.slice(0, -' cover image'.length) }));
  for await (const item of items) {
    if (allowedItemIds.includes( {
    seed.body = JSON.parse(seed.body);
    seed.body[0].variables.input.itemID =;
    seed.body = JSON.stringify(seed.body);
    await fetch('', seed)
      .then(response => response.text())
      .then(text => console.log(item, text))

    // Delay between calls to avoid provoking the rate limiter just in case
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));

Same as with the single item script, whether it works or not can be verified on the above linked settings page.


  1. Go to Categories page
  2. Open browser developer tools
  3. Find a sample category you want to delete and click ⋮ > Not Interested
  4. Find the Network tab record for this action (
  5. Right-click on it and press Use as Fetch in Console
  6. Change the first line of the pre-filled code to seed = ({ and execute it
  7. Run this code to avoid CORS issues with the pre-filled fetch headers
    delete seed.credentials;
    delete seed.headers['Cache-Control'];
    delete seed.headers['Pragma'];
    delete seed.headers['User-Agent'];
  8. Run the below code to remove all categories that are not on the list:
void async function() {
  // Just Chatting: 509658, Music: 26936, Art: 509660, Chess: 743
  // Retro Gaming: 27284, Makers & Crafting: 509673,
  // Software and Game Development: 1469308723, Science & Technology: 509670
  const allowedItemIds = [509658, 26936, 509660, 743, 27284, 509673, 1469308723, 509670];
  const items = [...document.querySelectorAll('.tw-image[src*="ttv-boxart"]')]
    .map(img => ({ id: +img.src.match(/\d+/)[0], name: img.alt.slice(0, -' cover image'.length) }));
  for await (const item of items) {
    if (allowedItemIds.includes( {
    seed.body = JSON.parse(seed.body);
    seed.body[0].variables.input.itemID =;
    seed.body = JSON.stringify(seed.body);
    await fetch('', seed)
      .then(response => response.text())
      .then(text => console.log(item, text))
    // Delay between calls to avoid provoking the rate limiter just in case
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));


I did not realize I do not need to craft the GraphQL request, I can just click the DOM button after finding it relative to the poster image.

// Find all poster images on the page
  // Extract ID, name, the `img` element and the "Not Interested" `button` element
  .map(img => ({
    // Convert the ID to a number for comparisons
    id: +img.src.match(/\d+/)[0],
    // Extract the name from the `alt` tag (least likely to change format)
    name: img.alt.slice(0, -' cover image'.length),
    // Keep the `img` element reference to be able to hover over it and debug
    // Find the overflow menu button (it is the only button in the query)
    button: img.closest('a').parentNode.querySelector('button'),
  // Check all the results to drop unexpected data rather than cause damange
  .filter(category => && && category.img && category.button)
  // Drop categories I do not wish to remove:
  // Just Chatting: 509658, Music: 26936, Art: 509660, Chess: 743,
  // Retro Gaming: 27284, Makers & Crafting: 509673,
  // Software and Game Development: 1469308723, Science & Technology: 509670
  .filter(category =>  ![509658, 26936, 509660, 743, 27284, 509673, 1469308723, 509670].includes(
  // Limit to a handful for a test - change or re-run the script at your leisure
  .slice(0, 5)
  // Open the overflow menu and click the "Not Interested" button for each item
  .forEach(category => {
    // Open the overflow menu to make the "Not Interested" button mount in DOM;
    // Find the "Not Interested" `button` through the shared parent of the elements
    const button = category.img.closest('a').parentNode.querySelector('button[data-a-target="rec-feedback-card-not-interested"]');
    if (!button) {
      console.log(,, 'Overflow button click did not reveal the "Not Interested" button');
    console.log(,, '"Not Interested" button clicked');


Twitch does not have a native way to ban entire tags, so the Unwanted Twitch extensions still needs to be relied on for tag hiding. But with this script, it no longer needs to be used to hide categories.


Twitch "Not Interested" automated




