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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 6, 2024. It is now read-only.


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Environment setup

  1. Create parameter files to suit your environment.
$ cp params/template.yaml params/dev-xxxxx.yaml

You need to create following parameters.

Name Value
/dev/github/ConnectionId codestar-connections arn to build code from github repogitory. ( Need to connect GitHub with CodeBuild at developper tools console. After that you can get arn from developper tools console. ex. arn:aws:codestar-connections:region:account-id:connection/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX )
/dev/s3/cfn/BucketName s3 bucket name for cloudformation files. ( This value is used to create s3 bucket for cfn. Need to check tha rule of s3 bucket name. ex. dev-cloudformation-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-artifact )
/dev/s3/lambda/BucketName s3 bucket name for lambda function .zip files. ( This value is used to create s3 bucket for cfn. Need to check tha rule of s3 bucket name. ex. dev-lambda-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-artifact )
/dev/s3/PrefixListId managed prefix list id for s3 gateway endpoint. ( Get id from vpc console. ex. pl-12a34567 )
/dev/slack/codepipeline/ChannelId slack channel id to notify result of codepipeline action. ( Get id from slack channel. Right click the channel and copy link. ex. A1B2C3D45EF )
/dev/slack/guardduty/ChannelId slack channel id to notify result from guardduty. ( Get id from slack channel. Right click the channel and copy link. ex. A1B2C3D45EF )
/dev/slack/WorkspaceId slack workspace id to notify. ( Need to connect slack with chat bot at chat bot console. After that you can get id from console. ex. A1B2C3D45EF )
  1. Run setup script.

Please install aws cli before run script. Since this script use aws cli.

$ ./provisioning/pre-build/

Local Setting (manually)

If you want to deploy manually, please setup local environment.

# cat ~/.zshrc

alias cfn-stack-ops="/path/to/ElasticStack/provisioning/helper-scripts/ $1"
alias s3-ops="/path/to/ElasticStack/provisioning/helper-scripts/ $1"

Build CFn

  1. Create s3 bucket
$ s3-ops create elastic-stack-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-artifact
$ export S3_BUCKET_CFN_NAME="elastic-stack-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-artifact"
  1. Package
$ cfn-stack-ops package provisioning/cfn/elastic-stack.yaml $S3_BUCKET_CFN_NAME provisioning/artifacts/artifact.yaml
aws cloudformation package --template-file provisioning/cfn/elastic-stack.yaml --s3-bucket elastic-stack-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-artifact --output-template-file provisioning/artifacts/artifact.yaml
Uploading to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.template  1669 / 1669.0  (100.00%)
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file provisioning/artifacts/artifact.yaml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /path/to/ElasticStack/provisioning/artifacts/artifact.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>
  1. Deploy cfn

Create stack from local file.

$ cfn-stack-ops deploy test-stack provisioning/artifacts/artifact.yaml
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name test-stack --template-file provisioning/artifacts/artifact.yaml

Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - test-stack

Create stack from s3 bucket

$ cfn-stack-ops create test-stack $S3_BUCKET_CFN_NAME

Update stack from s3 bucket

$ cfn-stack-ops update test-stack $S3_BUCKET_CFN_NAME

Build ECS

  1. Create s3 bucket and set env
export AWS_REGION="ap-northeast-1"

# create a new repository and get repositoryUri
export ECR_URI=$(aws ecr create-repository \
  --repository-name f-iot-rep \
  --region $AWS_REGION \
  --query 'repository.repositoryUri' \
  --output text)

# get repositoryUri from existing repository
export ECR_URI=$(aws ecr describe-repositories \
  --repository-names f-iot-rep \
  --query 'repositories[].repositoryUri' \
  --output text)

export AWS_VPC=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --stack-name test-stack \
  --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='VpcId'].OutputValue" \
  --output text)
  1. Build images and push it to ecr
$ cd provisioning/ecs
$ ./
  1. Check
$ aws ecr list-images --repository-name test | jq '.imageIds | .[].imageTag'

Build Lambda

  1. Create s3 bucket
$ s3-ops create lambda-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-artifact
$ export S3_BUCKET_LAMBDA_NAME="lambda-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-artifact"
  1. Build
$ cd provisioning/lambda
$ ./
  1. Push artifact to s3
$ s3-ops push $S3_BUCKET_LAMBDA_NAME populate-alb-tg-with-opensearch/


  • S3
$ s3-ops 

Usage: /path/to/ElasticStack/provisioning/helper-scripts/ MODE ARGS

Mode:     Args:
create    s3-name
delete    s3-name
push      s3-name     zip-file-path
  • Cloudformation
$ cfn-stack-ops

Usage: /path/to/ElasticStack/provisioning/helper-scripts/ MODE ARGS

Mode:     Args:
create    stack-name s3-bucket [param1=val1 param2=val2]
update    stack-name s3-bucket [param1=val1 param2=val2]
package   path-to-cfn-template-file s3-bucket output-template-file
deploy    stack-name path-to-cfn-template-filee
describe  stack-name
validate  s3-bucket
delete    stack-name

SSH tunnel

$ sh -i ~/.ssh/your-key.pem ec2-user@your-ec2-instance-public-ip -N -L

Load test

Deploy filebeat cluster.

$ ./tests/load-test/


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