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Section state

Tonic Artos edited this page May 17, 2016 · 1 revision

Section state lives as a node of the section graph. As the section graph is heterogeneous, the section state has children that are either items or other section states, however, this difference is hidden from outside observers. The section state also functions as an interface for the Slm to query the section and to access child items. To avoid bloating the section state further, layout state is separated out as a property, and treated as a separate thing by the Slm.

Versioned Pages


[Getting Started](Getting started with version 0.4)
[User's Guide](User's guide for version 0.4)

version5 (WIP)

User documentation
[Basic usage](A simple tutorial)
[Advanced usage](All the cool things)
[SuperSLiM and RxJava](Using SuperSLiM with RxJava)

Developers documentation
[The section graph](The section graph)
[Tracking data changes](Tracking data changes)
[Configuration transformations](Configuration transformations)
[Layout helpers](Layout helpers)
[Section configuration](Section configuration)
[Section state](Section state)
[Section layout managers](Section layout managers)
[Header layout managers](Header layout managers)

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