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First steps

Jonathan Gerbaud edited this page Mar 3, 2020 · 21 revisions

1 - Add Gradle Plugin

In your root build.gradle file, add a dependency on the FAST gradle plugin :

buildscript {
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.50'

    repositories {
        maven { url "" } // <= THE IMPORTANT LINE

    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
        classpath '' // <= THE IMPORTANT LINE

2 - Apply FAST gradle plugin

In your app's build.gradle file, apply FAST's gradle plugin:

apply plugin: ''

Make sure to add it after Android's plugin, like this:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''

You can put other plugins between Android's plugin and FAST's plugin, but just make sure to add FAST's plugin after Android's.

3 - Add dependencies

In your app's build.gradle (or your module's build.gradle), add dependencies on FAST's plugins:

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    def version = "0.9.8"

    implementation "$version"

    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:actions:$version"          // Actions plugin
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:crashinfo:$version"        // Crash Info 
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:environmentswitch:$version"// Environment Switch plugin  
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:fileexplorer:$version"     // File Explorer plugin
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:logger:$version"           // Logger plugin
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:manifestexplorer:$version" // Manifest Explorer plugin
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:networkexplorer:$version"  // Network Inspector plugin
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:$version"                  // Overlays plugin
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:resourceexplorer:$version" // Resource Explorer plugin
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:restart:$version"          // Restart Options plugin  
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:sharedprefs:$version"      // Shared Preferences Editor plugin  
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:sessionmanager:$version"   // Session Manager plugin
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:viewinspector:$version"    // View Inspector plugin  
    implementation "com.github.ToolsForDevs.FAST-SDK:windowflags:$version"      // Window Flags plugin