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Releases: TownyAdvanced/FlagWar

FlagWar v0.6.3

12 Jul 20:26
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This version of Flag War is made for Towny and newer!

This version will not run unless your Towny is or newer, check your Towny version before installing.

What's Changed

  • Bump org.jetbrains:annotations from 24.0.1 to 24.1.0 by @dependabot in #338
  • Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.6.0 to 3.6.3 by @dependabot in #340
  • Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin from 3.11.0 to 3.13.0 by @dependabot in #354
  • Bump from 10.12.7 to 10.15.0 by @dependabot in #357
  • Update for breaking TransactionType change post by @LlmDl in #359

Full Changelog: 0.6.2...0.6.3

FlagWar v0.6.2

15 Jan 21:27
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What's Changed

  • Fix attack tasks not being cancelled correctly. by @LlmDl in #335

Full Changelog: 0.6.1...0.6.2

FlagWar v0.6.1

15 Jan 21:02
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What's Changed

  • Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations from 4.7.3 to 4.8.3 by @dependabot in #327
  • Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #316
  • Bump from 10.12.4 to 10.12.7 by @dependabot in #331
  • Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.5 by @dependabot in #332
  • Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.5 by @dependabot in #333
  • Fix/cell attack thread not running by @LlmDl in #334

Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.6.1

FlagWar v0.6.0

30 Dec 17:01
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What's Changed

  • Bump com.palmergames.bukkit.towny:towny from to by @dependabot in #308
  • Add support for Folia, bump min. Towny version to by @LlmDl in #324
  • Do a better job of implementing Folia. by @LlmDl in #325
  • Update files for 0.6.0 release. by @LlmDl in #330

Full Changelog: 0.5.4...0.6.0

FlagWar v0.5.4

02 Oct 20:25
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Another year, another FlagWar release, just kidding.

0.5.4 marks the first release after FlagCourier marked his retirement from the FlagWar project.

Check out the or the Full Changelog at the bottom of this release. As always, reach out or file a ticket if you see unexpected behavior. We are currently seeking testers who want to see if #84 can be closed or not.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.5.3...0.5.4

Flag War v0.5.3

20 Oct 22:54
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It's been a good long while since we've done a proper Flag War release. ( Has it really been almost a year? 📆 🙄 ) I (F.C.) apologize for all delays - real-world events, work, and burnout have been taking their cuts from my fiscal and mental budgets.

Anyways, here's what you can expect in this release. It's not exhaustive, but you can also view the or the Full Changelog at the bottom of this release. As always, reach out or file a ticket if you see unexpected behavior.

What's Changed

  • Ceilings & Broadcasts Macro PR ( #168 ), by @TheFlagCourier
    • Adds ability to place flags below world ceilings, and some structures.
      • To compensate, a rudimentary system for checking against being below sea-level was added.
    • Under-attack messages can now be configured for precision.
    • Modifies CheckStyle rules
    • Misc. Changes (review commits)
  • Add russian language by @HighError in #101
  • Fix beacon blocks being checked against when beacons are false in the config. by @LlmDl in #107
  • Remove deprecated calls to TownyMessaging.sendResidentMessage. by @LlmDl in #108
  • Allow for an empty editable materials list. by @LlmDl in #117
  • Fix FlaggedInteractCooldown not parsing with TimeTools. by @LlmDl in #116
  • Update the static min towny versions by @LlmDl in #142
  • Feature: Neighbouring plots protect from attack. by @LlmDl in #141
  • Bump various dependencies — @dependabot

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.5.2...0.5.3

FlagWar 0.5.2: Targets on the Run!

21 Nov 08:14
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Yet Another FlagWar Minor Release.

This one brings in a lot of internal changes to handle ones made upstream. The big changes of note include a new WarZone configuration section and relevant API endpoints; as well as the ability to prevent nations from toggling neutral (which was removed from Towny in

If you are using Towny, or the recently release, please update to this release as soon as you can to avoid potential issues.

Changes (from



  • VALIDATED_TOWNY_VER version field:

    • Stores a manually-updated version string, containing the highest tested version of Towny that we've validated FlagWar for.
    • If a newer version of Towny is run, a startup warning is issued from either of the following translation keys.
        • "Running Version of Towny released after FlagWar version. Are you up-to-date?"
        • "This Towny Pre-Release is newer than what we've tested. Please report any issues."
      • _French and Spanish (MX) keys were machine-translated using bing translate. If you are familiar with either, feel free to drop in and make sure that the translation is appropriate. _
  • rules.nations_can_toggle_neutral config setting. Default: FALSE (#96, @LlmDl )

    • Replaces the now removed option that was in Towny. If False, prevents Towny from allowing Nations to become neutral.
    • ℹ️It is important for users to not run FlagWar 0.5.1, or older, with Towny, or newer. The required API used for determining player-set neutrality in older releases is no longer present in newer Towny versions.
  • WarZone Configuration Section and Enhancements
    (#88, @LlmDl )

    • Bumps Config version to 1.5
    • New Config section 'warzone' containing the following keys:
      • warzone.editable_materials (list)
        • List of materials that can be interacted with in war zones; Or, alternatively, cannot be interacted with.
        • Accepts wildcards * and negations -{material}.
      • warzone.item_use (boolean)
        • Enables / Disables item usage in war_zones.
      • warzone.switch (boolean)
        • Enables / Disables use of switches in war zones.
      • (boolean)
        • Enables / Disables fire in war zones, add -fire to warzone.editable_materials for complete fire protection when this is false.
      • warzone.explosions (boolean)
        • Enables / Disables explosions in war zones.
      • warzone.explosions_break_blocks (boolean)
        • Enables / Disables explosions effecting Blocks.
    • API: Enhanced FlagWarConfig
      • Add #setEditableMaterials() (void)
      • Add #isAllowingExplosionsInWarZone() (bool)
      • Add #isAllowingExplosionsToBreakBlocks() (bool)
      • Add #isAllowingFireInWarZone() (bool)
      • Add #isAllowingSwitchInWarZone() (bool)
      • Add #isAllowingItemUseInWarZone() (bool)
      • Add #isEditableMaterialInWarZone(Material) (bool)


  • Build System

    • Bumped SpotBugs-Annotations, Checkstyle, and IntelliJ Java Annotations
    • Bumped Minimum Towny Version to Same as validated version.
  • Refactored Holograph line population methods to reduce complexity. (commit: b08e1fa)

    • This is a code-quality change, and should have no bearing on server operations.
  • Changed how time is tracked and calculated: (#89)

    • FlagWar will now use Duration and Instant instead of the primitive long when storing cool-downs and timestamps.
  • Changed how payments / fees are calculated: Using BigDecimal to avoid IEEE754 floating-point inconsistencies. Scale to 2, use "Bankers' Rounding" (HALF_EVEN)

  • Refactored how Messaging.debug(string, args) functions: Use Object... over Object[], mimicking String.format().

    • Avoids passing args as new Object[]{arg1,arg2,etc}


  • Fix Cell#parse(WorldCoord) (Also from #88)

Deprecated API ✂️

  • CellAttackEvent#getTime() (long)
  • CellAttackEvent#setTime() (long)
  • CellUnderAttack#formatTime(int, string) (String)
  • FlagWarAPI#getFlaggedTimestamp(Town) (long)
  • FlagWarConfig#getFlagWaitingTime() (long)
  • FlagWarConfig#getTimeBetweenFlagColorChange() (long)
  • FlagWarConfig#getTimeToWaitAfterFlagged() (long)

FlagWar 0.5.1: French Translation, WarZoneListener Adjustments, Misc. Fixes (Amended Release)

27 Oct 21:51
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Release 0.5.1 (Amended)

This release of FlagWar is a minor one, and replaces 0.5.0 as a supported version. It adds a French translation, and address a few things. Thanks to @Bibithom and @LlmDl for their contributions.

Note: This release was amended to include #87.

Summary of Changes


  • French Translation (fr_FR)
    (#83, @Bibithom)

  • Expansion of the WarZoneListener
    (#87, @LlmDl)

    • Now implements listeners for the following Towny Events:
      • TownyBurnEvent
      • TownyExplodingBlocksEvent
      • TownyExplosionDamagesEntityEvent
      • TownBlockPVPTestEvent
    • Follows the Towny WarZoneConfig like the Build/Destroy/Switch/ItemUse events do.
    • Also adds Cell#parse(WorldCoord) method for convenience.


  • An issue with canceling null hologramThreads.
    (#85, @LlmDl)

  • Implementation of WarZoneListener, and how FlagWar utilizes WarZones.
    (#86, @LlmDl)

v0.5.0: More attacker options & respect Towny's per-world war restrictions

13 Oct 08:41
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Hello, again!

Well... It has been a busy couple of months here, so I do apologize for not making an earlier release.

For developers, this marks the first release with working Jitpack support, since at least So, depend away!

For administrators, you will need to run Towny, or later. Support for earlier versions has been dropped. Also, a bit of a warning to early-adopters: This release is severely lacking in the testing department.

Please report any regressions ASAP so that they can be taken care of.

FlagWar 0.5.0 Summary Changelog


  • New Option to require a specific number of attackers to be online in the attacking Town and/or Nation.
    (#72, @LlmDl)

    • Modifies behavior. Originally, this quota was determined by the same method used for defenders.
  • New Option to have conquered Town blocks unclaimed instead of transferred to the attacker.
    (#73, @LlmDl)


  • Towny Target:

    • Minimum version required is - though it is recommended to use the latest version available to you.
  • Updated, conforming to Keep a Changelog

  • FlagWar will now respect Towny's per-world settings for allowing war.
    (#69 nice..., @LlmDl)

    • Originally used exclusively for Towny's EventWar.
  • GitHub Actions

    • Now tests against Eclipse Temurin, from Adoptium.
    • Tests against both JDK 16 and JDK 17.
  • In CellUnderAttack.class, replace uses of scheduleSyncRepeatingTask() with runTaskTimer().

    • Should be purely aesthetic, but also removes a deprecation warning. SSRT simply calls RTT under the hood.


  • Fixed NullPointerException found in OutlawEventListener.
    (#79, @LlmDl)

  • Fixed Jitpack building.

    • Specifically uses Microsoft's build of OpenJDK 17, and Maven 3.8.3 (As opposed to Oracle JDK 8, Maven 3.6.1)
    • Tested Working

Full Comparison: 0.4.0...0.5.0

Outlaw Teleportation Protections & 1.16.5 support

12 Aug 05:40
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This release is a minor upgrade over

Key Changes (See for more)

  • Platform Support: Set API level to 1.16; 1.16.5 supported*.
    • A good portion of the Towny community still relies on 1.16.5
    • *Java 16 is still required. Recommended: Amazon Corretto, Eclipse Adoptium, or the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK
    • Support will be dropped in the future when 1.18.x is targeted. The goal is to support the two most recent API branches, if possible.
  • NEW (Feature) Adds the OutlawListener, with an OutlawTeleportEvent Event Handler.
    • Prevents enemy outlaws from being teleported away by Towny's outlaw entry prevention system while there is an active War Flag in play.
    • Bump Required Towny version to (Required for the OutlawListener.)
  • NEW (API): Added FlagWarAPI#isUnderAttack(Nation), which checks if any town within a Nation is under attack.


Be sure to validate the files, especially if you did not get them from here.

You can run the following from bash (or cygwin terminal), provided md5sum / sha256sum exist.

# For bash
md5sum -c md5.sums
sha256sum -c sha256.sums

# Or manually compare
cat ./sha256.sums
sha256sum ./FlagWar-0.4.0.jar

You can do something similar in PowerShell, too.

cat .\sha256.sums    # See valid SHA256 sums
Get-FileHash -Path ".\FlagWar-0.4.0.jar" -Algorithm SHA256