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Álvaro Ortiz edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 16 revisions

This site is a great-work-in-progress. Here are some notes about ideas, direction, long-term vision...

See Changelog for weekly updates.

Communication forms

How to contribute

We are open to contributions, from feedback and ideas, to design, code and translations. Here you have links to the issues for each category. So if you are a designer and want to contribute, just browse the corresponding issues and jump in:

Who "owns" TrackDons?

For the moment, checkout the about page:

What type of projects might be tracked in TrackDons?

  • Projects that contribute to the greater good (ie. a NGO doing humanitarian good, Wikipedia...)
  • Projects that support the economic freedom of individuals
  • ... WIP

Project meta-principles

Some principles that will help guide design, UX and implementation decisions.

  • Independence: no dependencies towards commercial entities (software, login providers...).
  • Openness: code and data will be open and accesible and reusable.
  • ... WIP

UX ideas

  • Browse projects per category: NGOs, Software, Crowdfundings...
  • Projects:
    • Allow listing the issues the project works for. Allow users to upvote issues, follow them, discover projects which works towards them.
    • Allow a user to follow project/add a project to his wishlist
      • "will donate later" -> allow to set up an email/calendar/tweet reminder (tweet reminder: will autotweet something that will put public pressure on you, ie: "I promised myself to donate to Wikipedia. Lets do it now. Do you join me?")
      • Let friends see the wishlist; give a birthday present which is a donation; match donations...
  • Donations:
    • Include an icon to tweet the comment.