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This is a test data set for Transparency Toolkit's software. The goal of this repository to build up a variety of test datasets over time, of varying sizes and including many file formats, so that we can test our software in a variety of circumstances. Some of these test datasets are subsets of documents from our existing archives, and some are solely for testing purposes.

This repository is solely for testing the software we are developing. If you want to download a copy of the data for one of our existing archives, these are all available in full in their own git repositories.

Test Dataset Structure

We offer the test data in three formats, depending on what parts of the software pipeline need testing.

  1. Raw Documents: Raw, un-OCRed documents. These can be used to test the full pipeline, or the OCR component specifically. For testing specific components further down the pipeline such as LookingGlass or Catalyst, it is probably faster to use one of the other formats to avoid a possibly time-consuming OCR process.

  2. Text: The OCRed text of the documents. Adding this to the OCR server can speed up tests of the full pipeline when the OCR software itself does not need to be tested. This is because the OCR software checks if a document has been OCRed already and, if so, uses the text from the previous run rather than re-OCRing the document.

  3. JSON: Fully processed JSON files for the document that can be imported directly into DocManager for use with LookingGlass and Catalyst. This has the document title, text, file path, and possibly description and other fields all separated out into their own fields in a machine readable format. The JSON is the best way to test later parts of the pipeline, but requires running an additional input script.

In the case of documents that do not need to be OCRed (such as txt files, csv, or email), we may only have two formats: the raw documents and JSON. In some cases we may offer multiple JSON formats (some with Catalyst run over them already, for example).

Using Test Datasets

Raw Documents

Upload them using the upload form or pass the path to the docs to the OCR server (manually via a script) or Harvester (via the interface).

This requires that LookingGlass and DocManager are running first. Specifically, step #4 in the JSON test dataset instructions should also be followed for testing with raw, un-OCRed documents.

Text Data

When testing the OCR server: put both the text and document directories on the OCR server and pass the OCR server the path of the documents manually (via a script or similar).

When testing the full pipeline: Put text and documents on OCR server, then upload documents as in the raw documents instructions. Only suggested after upload form and OCR server are fully working.


This is the type of test data you should be using for now. Instructions-

  1. Clone this repository and decide which test data you want to use

  2. cd into the directory of the test data you want to use and check that there is a ruby script for indexing (should end in '_index_script.rb')

  3. Check that DocManager has an appropriate data source and project spec for the indexing script. I've pre-created them in this case, but these are the things that need to match up-

    a. Check that the index_name field from the script matches the
    index_name of a project spec json in DocManager/dataspec_files/projects/
    b. Check that the item_type field from the script matches the
    class_name field (under index_details) for a data source spec json in
    c. In that same data source spec, change the "prefix" field (under
    the field for the files attached) to be the path to the directory with
    the files. Some test data sets have the prefix set to files on a
    webserver, in which case this doesn't need to be changed.
  4. Start DocManager (following the instructions at and LookingGlass (following the instructions at

Pay special attention that the PROJECT_INDEX env variable in LookingGlass/config/initializers/project_config.rb is set to be the index_name from the indexing script (same value as step #3 part a)! This determines what project LookingGlass shows, so if it is not correctly set it will show the wrong project, which may not exist.

  1. Run the script with ruby *_index_script.rb

  2. Open LookingGlass. It may take a little bit for the documents to load, but they should soon appear.

Other Possibilities for Test Data

If you have a working Harvester setup, you can simply collect your own test data, which should be automatically loaded into DocManager (and thus accessible from LookingGlass and Catalyst immediately).


Test data for Transparency Toolkit development






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