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Scripts/World: Rewrite air force trigger bots script, add hostility c…
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Treeston committed Jul 9, 2019
1 parent b9d1e66 commit 0ae2afe
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 171 deletions.
272 changes: 101 additions & 171 deletions src/server/scripts/World/npcs_special.cpp
Expand Up @@ -43,215 +43,145 @@
# npc_air_force_bots

enum SpawnType
SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP, // no warning, summon Creature at smaller range
SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT, // cast guards mark and summon npc - if player shows up with that buff duration < 5 seconds attack

struct SpawnAssociation
uint32 thisCreatureEntry;
uint32 spawnedCreatureEntry;
SpawnType spawnType;

enum AirFoceBots

float const RANGE_TRIPWIRE = 15.0f;
float const RANGE_GUARDS_MARK = 100.0f;

SpawnAssociation spawnAssociations[] =
{2614, 15241, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Alarm Bot (Alliance)
{2615, 15242, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Alarm Bot (Horde)
{21974, 21976, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Alarm Bot (Area 52)
{21993, 15242, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Horde - Bat Rider)
{21996, 15241, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Alliance - Gryphon)
{21997, 21976, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Goblin - Area 52 - Zeppelin)
{21999, 15241, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Alliance)
{22001, 15242, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Horde)
{22002, 15242, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Ground (Horde)
{22003, 15241, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Ground (Alliance)
{22063, 21976, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Goblin - Area 52)
{22065, 22064, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Ethereal - Stormspire)
{22066, 22067, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Scryer - Dragonhawk)
{22068, 22064, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Ethereal - Stormspire)
{22069, 22064, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Alarm Bot (Stormspire)
{22070, 22067, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Scryer)
{22071, 22067, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Alarm Bot (Scryer)
{22078, 22077, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Alarm Bot (Aldor)
{22079, 22077, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Aldor - Gryphon)
{22080, 22077, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Aldor)
{22086, 22085, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Alarm Bot (Sporeggar)
{22087, 22085, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Sporeggar - Spore Bat)
{22088, 22085, SPAWNTYPE_TRIPWIRE_ROOFTOP}, //Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Sporeggar)
{22090, 22089, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Toshley's Station - Flying Machine)
{22124, 22122, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Alarm Bot (Cenarion)
{22125, 22122, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT}, //Air Force Guard Post (Cenarion - Stormcrow)
{22126, 22122, SPAWNTYPE_ALARMBOT} //Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Cenarion Expedition)
enum AirForceBots
TRIPWIRE, // do not attack flying players, smaller range
ALARMBOT, // attack flying players, casts guard's mark


float constexpr RANGE_TRIPWIRE = 15.0f;
float constexpr RANGE_ALARMBOT = 100.0f;

struct AirForceSpawn
uint32 myEntry;
uint32 otherEntry;
AirForceBots type;

AirForceSpawn constexpr airforceSpawns[] =
{2614, 15241, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Alarm Bot (Alliance)
{2615, 15242, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Alarm Bot (Horde)
{21974, 21976, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Alarm Bot (Area 52)
{21993, 15242, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Horde - Bat Rider)
{21996, 15241, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Alliance - Gryphon)
{21997, 21976, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Goblin - Area 52 - Zeppelin)
{21999, 15241, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Alliance)
{22001, 15242, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Horde)
{22002, 15242, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Ground (Horde)
{22003, 15241, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Ground (Alliance)
{22063, 21976, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Goblin - Area 52)
{22065, 22064, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Ethereal - Stormspire)
{22066, 22067, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Scryer - Dragonhawk)
{22068, 22064, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Ethereal - Stormspire)
{22069, 22064, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Alarm Bot (Stormspire)
{22070, 22067, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Scryer)
{22071, 22067, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Alarm Bot (Scryer)
{22078, 22077, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Alarm Bot (Aldor)
{22079, 22077, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Aldor - Gryphon)
{22080, 22077, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Aldor)
{22086, 22085, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Alarm Bot (Sporeggar)
{22087, 22085, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Sporeggar - Spore Bat)
{22088, 22085, TRIPWIRE}, // Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Sporeggar)
{22090, 22089, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Toshley's Station - Flying Machine)
{22124, 22122, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Alarm Bot (Cenarion)
{22125, 22122, ALARMBOT}, // Air Force Guard Post (Cenarion - Stormcrow)
{22126, 22122, ALARMBOT} // Air Force Trip Wire - Rooftop (Cenarion Expedition)

class npc_air_force_bots : public CreatureScript
npc_air_force_bots() : CreatureScript("npc_air_force_bots") { }

struct npc_air_force_botsAI : public ScriptedAI
struct npc_air_force_botsAI : public NullCreatureAI
npc_air_force_botsAI(Creature* creature) : ScriptedAI(creature)
static AirForceSpawn const& FindSpawnFor(uint32 entry)
SpawnAssoc = nullptr;

// find the correct spawnhandling
static uint8 constexpr const EntryCount = uint8(std::extent<decltype(spawnAssociations)>::value);

for (uint8 i = 0; i < EntryCount; ++i)
if (spawnAssociations[i].thisCreatureEntry == creature->GetEntry())
SpawnAssoc = &spawnAssociations[i];

if (!SpawnAssoc)
TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "TCSR: Creature template entry %u has ScriptName npc_air_force_bots, but it's not handled by that script", creature->GetEntry());
for (AirForceSpawn const& spawn : airforceSpawns)
CreatureTemplate const* spawnedTemplate = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureTemplate(SpawnAssoc->spawnedCreatureEntry);

if (!spawnedTemplate)
if (spawn.myEntry == entry)
TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "TCSR: Creature template entry %u does not exist in DB, which is required by npc_air_force_bots", SpawnAssoc->spawnedCreatureEntry);
SpawnAssoc = nullptr;
ASSERT_NODEBUGINFO(sObjectMgr->GetCreatureTemplate(spawn.otherEntry), "Invalid creature entry %u in 'npc_air_force_bots' script", spawn.otherEntry);
return spawn;
ASSERT_NODEBUGINFO(false, "Unhandled creature with entry %u is assigned 'npc_air_force_bots' script", entry);

SpawnAssociation* SpawnAssoc;
ObjectGuid SpawnedGUID;
npc_air_force_botsAI(Creature* creature) : NullCreatureAI(creature), _spawn(FindSpawnFor(creature->GetEntry())) {}

void Reset() override { }

Creature* SummonGuard()
Creature* GetOrSummonGuard()
Creature* summoned = me->SummonCreature(SpawnAssoc->spawnedCreatureEntry, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 300000);
Creature* guard = ObjectAccessor::GetCreature(*me, _myGuard);

if (summoned)
SpawnedGUID = summoned->GetGUID();
TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "TCSR: npc_air_force_bots: wasn't able to spawn Creature %u", SpawnAssoc->spawnedCreatureEntry);
SpawnAssoc = nullptr;
if (!guard && (guard = me->SummonCreature(_spawn.otherEntry, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 300000)))
_myGuard = guard->GetGUID();

return summoned;
return guard;

Creature* GetSummonedGuard()
void UpdateAI(uint32 /*diff*/) override
Creature* creature = ObjectAccessor::GetCreature(*me, SpawnedGUID);

if (creature && creature->IsAlive())
return creature;
if (_toAttack.empty())

return nullptr;
Creature* guard = GetOrSummonGuard();
if (!guard)

void UpdateAI(uint32 diff) override
for (ObjectGuid guid : _toAttack)
Unit* target = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*me, guid);
if (!target)
if (guard->IsEngagedBy(target))

if (_spawn.type == ALARMBOT)
guard->CastSpell(target, SPELL_GUARDS_MARK, true);


void MoveInLineOfSight(Unit* who) override
if (!SpawnAssoc)
// guards are only spawned against players
if (who->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER)

if (me->IsValidAttackTarget(who))
Player* playerTarget = who->ToPlayer();

// airforce guards only spawn for players
if (!playerTarget)

Creature* lastSpawnedGuard = SpawnedGUID.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : GetSummonedGuard();

// prevent calling Unit::GetUnit at next MoveInLineOfSight call - speedup
if (!lastSpawnedGuard)

switch (SpawnAssoc->spawnType)
// handle only 1 change for world update for each target
if (!inLineOfSightSinceLastUpdate.insert(who->GetGUID()).second)

if (!who->IsWithinDistInMap(me, RANGE_GUARDS_MARK))

Aura* markAura = who->GetAura(SPELL_GUARDS_MARK);
if (markAura)
// the target wasn't able to move out of our range within 25 seconds
if (!lastSpawnedGuard)
lastSpawnedGuard = SummonGuard();

if (!lastSpawnedGuard)

if (markAura->GetDuration() < AURA_DURATION_TIME_LEFT)
if (!lastSpawnedGuard->GetVictim())
if (!lastSpawnedGuard)
lastSpawnedGuard = SummonGuard();

if (!lastSpawnedGuard)
// we're already scheduled to attack this player on our next tick, don't bother checking
if (_toAttack.find(who->GetGUID()) != _toAttack.end())

lastSpawnedGuard->CastSpell(who, SPELL_GUARDS_MARK, true);
if (!who->IsWithinDistInMap(me, RANGE_TRIPWIRE))
// check if they're in range
if (!who->IsWithinDistInMap(me, (_spawn.type == ALARMBOT) ? RANGE_ALARMBOT : RANGE_TRIPWIRE))

if (!lastSpawnedGuard)
lastSpawnedGuard = SummonGuard();
// check if they're hostile
if (!(me->IsHostileTo(who) || who->IsHostileTo(me)))

if (!lastSpawnedGuard)
// check if they're a valid attack target
if (!me->IsValidAttackTarget(who))

// ROOFTOP only triggers if the player is on the ground
if (!playerTarget->IsFlying() && !lastSpawnedGuard->GetVictim())
if ((_spawn.type == TRIPWIRE) && who->IsFlying())


GuidSet inLineOfSightSinceLastUpdate;
AirForceSpawn const& _spawn;
ObjectGuid _myGuard;
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid> _toAttack;


CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* creature) const override
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