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Heavy 3D Apps

TrinityEmulator-Admin edited this page May 20, 2022 · 18 revisions

Experimental Setup

Please refer to the wiki for graphics benchmark for hardware requirements.

To run the experiments, you should also download the game apps (Arena of Valor, Free Fire, Knives Out, Infinity Ops, and Shadow Gun) first.

To fully demonstrate Trinity's power, you should adjust the graphics settings of the games to the highest quality and refresh rate (60 Hz) if possible. Further, if certain game apps crash on Trinity, please retry it several times. This may be caused by some random bugs in the not-yet-fully-mature system.

We next show you how to record FPS data for different emulators when running game apps. Specifically, we use @Solopi, a well-designed industry-level app testing tool, to record FPS data on almost all emulators except DAOW and Bluestacks. This is because these two emulators lack critical system components for Solopi to function properly. FPS recording for the two emulators is done with @MSI Afterburner.

Recording FPS Data with Solopi

  1. Download the Solopi apk.

  2. Install Solopi through adb install. For establishing ADB connection, refer to this page.

  3. Follow the video below for how to record FPS data when running game apps.

  4. After the experiment with an app is done, you can use adb pull ${/path/to/solopi/recording} ./ to pull data from the emulator to the host directory, where ${/path/to/solopi/recording} is the path of stored FPS recording data as shown in the video.

Recording FPS Data with MSI Afterburner

  1. Download here. During installation, you'll be asked to install RivaTuner, please accept the installation as well.

  2. Open Afterburner and click the settings button.

  3. Go to the Monitoring tab, and check Log history to file. Set the hotkeys for begin and end logging as you wish.

  4. Check Framerate monitoring.

  5. Close settings and click the monitor button here.

  6. Use your set hotkeys to begin/end logging when running DAOW or Bluestacks. The log file is stored in the path set in step 3, see there.

Special Notes

  1. GAE maps localhost (i.e., to Therefore, if you wish to use Solopi on GAE, you should go to Solopi's Settings (upper right corner of the app), and edit the ADB debug address option to You do not need to adb tcpip 5555 for GAE.

  2. If you still cannot get Solopi working, try change go to Solopi's Settings (upper right corner of the app), and edit the ADB debug address option to localhost:4444 (ports other than 5555 should also be acceptable). And Enter adb tcpip 4444 in your Windows terminal after you establish ADB connection. Then, retry the process again.

  3. To run Knives Out on Trinity, make sure you have first turned on the Magnify with Button option in the Accessibility setting as follows.