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THargreaves committed Nov 30, 2023
2 parents 1e5dfdd + de54b8e commit e62c67e
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Showing 2 changed files with 141 additions and 0 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions examples/levy-ssm/script.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# # The Levy State Space Model (Godsill et al. 2020)


Parameters = @NamedTuple begin
μ_W::Float64 # Subordinator process mean
σ_W::Float64 # Subordinator process variance
β::Float64 # Tempering parameter
C::Float64 # Jump density

# Simulation parameters
T = 100 # Time horizon
res = 100 # Sampling resolution

# Sampling parameters

121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions examples/levy-ssm/simulation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# # Code for simulating Levy processes
using Distributions
using Plots

abstract type LevyPointProcess end

# TODO: check naming conventions
function integrate(::LevyPointProcess, ts, jumps, jump_times)
# TODO: are these already sorted
samples = []
for t in ts
subset = jumps[jump_times .<= t]
# Sum of empty array has no clear type
if length(subset) > 0
push!(samples, sum(subset))
push!(samples, 0.0)
return samples

struct NormalGammaProcess <: LevyPointProcess
μ_W::Float64 # Subordinator process mean
σ_W::Float64 # Subordinator process variance
β::Float64 # Tempering parameter
C::Float64 # Jump density
T::Float64 # Time horizon

function simulate(ngp::NormalGammaProcess, res::Int)
ts = collect(range(0, ngp.T, length=res))
# TODO: check naming against function internals
gamma_paths, subordinator_jumps, jump_times = simulate_gamma_process(ngp, ts)

NVM_jumps = (
ngp.μ_W * subordinator_jumps +
ngp.σ_W * sqrt.(subordinator_jumps) .* randn(length(subordinator_jumps))

samples = integrate(ngp, ts, NVM_jumps, jump_times)
return samples, NVM_jumps, jump_times, subordinator_jumps

function simulate_gamma_process(ngp::NormalGammaProcess, ts::Vector{Float64})
# Generate Poisson epochs over [0, T]
# TODO: benchmark this vs. uniform sampling conditioned on N ~ Pois(T)
poisson_epochs = []
t = 0 # current time
expired = false
while !expired
t += rand(Exponential(1 / ngp.T))
if t < ngp.T
push!(poisson_epochs, t)
expired = true

# Generate samples
Xs = []
for t in poisson_epochs
X = 1 / (ngp.β * (exp(t / ngp.C) - 1))
p = (1 + ngp.β * X) * exp(-ngp.β * X)
if rand() < p
push!(Xs, X)

# Generate jump times
jump_times = []
for __ in eachindex(Xs)
push!(jump_times, rand() * T)

gamma_paths = integrate(ngp, ts, Xs, jump_times)
return gamma_paths, Xs, jump_times

struct UnivariateFiniteSDE <: LevyPointProcess
A::Float64 # Drift
h::Float64 # Diffusion
T::Float64 # Time horizon
X0::Float64 # Initial state

# TODO: ugly code — tidy up and make more efficient
function simulate(uf::UnivariateFiniteSDE, res::Int)
ts = collect(range(0, uf.T, length=res))
NVM_paths, NVM_jumps, jump_times, subordinator_jumps = simulate(uf.ngp, res)
samples = []
for t in ts
system_jumps = NVM_jumps .* exp.(uf.A * (t .- jump_times) * uf.h)
sample = integrate(uf, [t], system_jumps, jump_times)[1]
push!(samples, sample)
return samples, NVM_jumps, jump_times, subordinator_jumps

# Test
μ_W = 0.0
σ_W = 1.0
β = 0.1
T = 10.0
C = 0.1
N = 100

ngp = NormalGammaProcess(μ_W, σ_W, β, C, T)
samples, NVM_jumps, jump_times, subordinator_jumps = simulate(ngp, N)
ts = range(0, T, length=N)
plot(ts, samples)

A = -1.0
h = 1.0
X0 = 0.0

SDE = UnivariateFiniteSDE(A, h, T, X0, ngp)
samples, NVM_jumps, jump_times, subordinator_jumps = simulate(SDE, N)
plot(ts, samples)

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