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Twoure edited this page Jul 11, 2016 · 3 revisions


Refer to Notes within the Host List for further issues and details.

FileNuke (not active code) / ShareSix (active code)
  • If the Video Thumb is black or looks like this then the video/thumb host domain is down
  • Basically if the video thumb is from the video, then the video should play
  • FileNuke site currently offline, may not come back
Zalaa / Uploadc (not active code)
  • Video URL needs User-Agent and Referer to work. Plex Framework only supports User-Agent and Cookie values for video URLs. (not active code)
  • The host is down for "maintenance"
  • Will see if they come back, not sure
PromptFile / Briskfile
  • The host does not like Kodi parsing them, and has started to implement some obfuscation
  • Currently works, but may be susceptible to breaking later
MightyUpload (not active code)
  • The server they use is currently offline so videos cannot load
  • Thumbs redirect to DaClips, but do not exist there either
  • Added fallback thumb for now
  • Started kodi anti-scrape measures. Works for now, kinda.
  • Host connection issues due to timeouts
Nosvideo / Noslocker
  • Host updated site code, for now can parse
  • MP4 ULR's IP Hash is wrong, so using RTMP for now
ShareRepo (not active code)
  • Host server is extremely unreliable, will timeout Plex Clients
  • Most links are dead, site is old, CC 2014
  • Host server is too slow, causing timeout issues within Plex
  • Updated, needs some header values now
  • Overall, not a good source