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Tzahi12345 edited this page May 7, 2023 · 2 revisions


With v4.3.1, there is now notifications support. There are built-in notifications in the UI where you can interact with the alerts, and there's third party integrations. This wiki page primarily focuses on the latter.

Go to the Notifications tab in your settings to integrate with:

There are currently 3 types of notifications. Here they are and the type of data you'll get:

  • Download complete
    • Included data: video title, original URL, new URL (on your instance), thumbnail
  • Download error
    • Included data: error type, original URL
  • Task finished
    • Included data: task title

You can disable or enable each type of notification to your choosing.

Get started



  1. In a channel, go into the settings and click integrations
  2. Create a webhook
  3. Copy the webhook into the discord webhook setting
  4. All set!



  1. Create a slack app (use "from scratch")
  2. Assign the slack app to your desired workspace
  3. Click Incoming Webhooks and enable it
  4. Click Add New Webhook to Workspace
  5. Give it permissions to your desired channel
  6. It should return you back to the Incoming Webhooks page with a webhook URL at the bottom. Copy it into the dedicated settings for slack webhooks
  7. All set!


For Telegram, you will need two things: a bot token and a chat ID

  • To get a bot token, create a bot using BotFather
    • Type /newbot and follow the instructions
    • Copy the generated token into the Telegram bot token setting
  • Get your chat ID using the get id bot
    • You can get your ID by typing /my_id



For Gotify you will need the server URL, as well as an app token. You can generate the app token from Gotify's web UI



All you need is the topic URL!

You can test out the functionality by going to the demo site and creating a topic:

Custom webhook

Paste the URL, which could be retrieved from a third party service like Zapier or Automatisch. Here's the format of the data you will get in the body of the POST:

    body: <general message>,
    title: <notification title>,
    type: <notification type>,
    url: <relevant url to your instance>,
    thumbnail: <video thumbnail if present>

Three notification types:

  • download_complete
  • download_error
  • task_finished

Here's an example of a download error notification:

    body: "Error: exists_in_archive\nURL:"
    title: "Download error"
    type: "download_error"
    url: ""
    thumbnail: null
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