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Tzahi12345 edited this page Sep 28, 2021 · 1 revision


The configuration is stored in appdata directory. It's a JSON file separated into several categories and defines behavior for the app. See the latest version here..



Text Name Key/ENV Var Explanation Default value
URL url ytdl_url URL for the frontend - not always needed especially with Docker ""
Port port ytdl_port Port for the frontend 17442
Multi-user mode multi_user_mode ytdl_multi_user_mode Allows creation of users (with their own files), roles, and permissions, enables the Users tab false
Users base path users_base_path ytdl_users_base_path Deprecated - not used "users/"
Allow subscriptions allow_subscriptions ytdl_allow_subscriptions Allows subscribing to channels true
Subscriptions base path subscriptions_base_path ytdl_subscriptions_base_path Deprecated - not used "subscriptions/"
Check interval subscriptions_check_interval ytdl_subscriptions_check_interval Amount of time between cycling through all subscriptions. If you have 10 subs and the interval is set to 100, every 10 seconds another sub will be checked 86400
Redownload fresh uploads redownload_fresh_uploads ytdl_subscriptions_redownload_fresh_uploads Checks day-old or newer videos in a subscription to see if a higher quality one exists. If it does, it's downloaded false
Theme default_theme ytdl_default_theme Sets the default theme ("default" or "dark") "Default"
Allow theme change allow_theme_change ytdl_allow_theme_change Allows the theme to be changed by hitting the 3 dots in the top right corner true


Text Name Key/ENV Var Explanation Default value
Audio path path-audio ytdl_audio_folder_path Deprecated - not used "audio"
Video path path-video ytdl_video_folder_path Deprecated - not used "video"
Default file output default_file_output ytdl_default_file_output Changes the formatting for file names based on youtube-dl's output template ""
Global custom args custom_args ytdl_custom_args youtube-dl args that get added to every download ""
Allow playlist categorization allow_playlist_categorization ytdl_allow_playlist_categorization Playlists get 17442
Use youtube-dl archive use_youtubedl_archive ytdl_use_youtubedl_archive Creates and uses archive text files to avoid redownloading the same file, and helps track/port already downloaded files false
Include thumbnail include_thumbnail ytdl_include_thumbnail Downloads thumbnail along with file true
Include metadata include_metadata ytdl_include_metadata Downloads .info.json files along with file (highly recommended) true
Max concurrent downloads max_concurrent_downloads ytdl_max_concurrent_downloads Limits the number of simultaneous downloads 5
Download rate limit download_rate_limit ytdl_download_rate_limit Limits download speed ""


Text Name Key/ENV Var Explanation Default value
Top title title_top ytdl_title_top Sets the top bar and browser tab title "YoutubeDL-Material"
File manager enabled file_manager_enabled ytdl_file_manager_enabled Enables file management in the home screen true
Downloads manager enabled enable_downloads_manager ytdl_enable_downloads_manager Enables download management page true
Allow quality select allow_quality_select ytdl_allow_quality_select Allows changing quality of files (resolution/bitrate). Disabling this means it's always the best quality selected. true
Download only mode download_only_mode ytdl_download_only_mode Playing videos is disabled, they can only be downloaded false
Enable public API use_API_key ytdl_use_api_key Allows YoutubeDL-Material's API to be utilized false
Public API Key API_key ytdl_api_key Key used to authenticate YoutubeDL-Material's API users ""
Use YouTube API use_youtube_API ytdl_use_youtube_api Enables YT API use, currently only used for searching for videos through the URL bar false
Youtube API Key youtube_API_key ytdl_youtube_api_key YT API Key (instructions to generate) ""
Use Twitch API use_twitch_API ytdl_use_twitch_api Enables Twitch API use, currently only used for downloading chats for VODs false
Twitch API Key twitch_API_key ytdl_twitch_api_key Twitch API Key (instructions to generate) ""
Auto-download Twitch Chat twitch_auto_download_chat ytdl_twitch_auto_download_chat Automatically downloads Twitch chats for VODs (requires Twitch API to be enabled) false
Use SponsorBlock API use_sponsorblock_API ytdl_use_sponsorblock_api Enables "Skip ads" button in the video player if found on SponsorBlock false
Generate NFO files generate_NFO_files ytdl_generate_nfo_files Automatically creates NFO files for downloaded videos, primarily used with Kodi false


Text Name Key/ENV Var Explanation Default value
MongoDB Connection String mongodb_connection_string mongodb_connection_string URL to connect to MongoDB "mongodb://"
Transfer DB (button) use_local_db use_local_db Toggles DB between Local (appdata/local_db.json) or MongoDB true


Text Name Key/ENV Var Explanation Default value
Select a downloader default_downloader ytdl_default_downloader youtube-dl fork to use (youtube-dl, youtube-dlc, or yt-dlp) "youtube-dl"
Use default downloading agent use_default_downloading_agent ytdl_use_default_downloading_agent Whether to use youtube-dl's default agent or an alternative true
Select a download agent custom_downloading_agent ytdl_custom_downloading_agent Preferred download agent, only used if "Use default downloading agent" is set to false ""
Log level logger_level ytdl_logger_level Choose one of debug, verbose, info, warn, error in ascending order of quietness, ex. error only displays errors but debug displays everything. "info"
Login expiration jwt_expiration ytdl_jwt_expiration Lenght of time it takes for logins to expire 86400
Allow advanced download allow_advanced_download ytdl_allow_advanced_download Enables an advanced download tab on the home page for additional download settings and information false
Use Cookies use_cookies ytdl_use_cookies Enables usage of uploaded cookies to download videos as if you were logged into that website false

Users (Only if multi-user mode is enabled, WIP)

Text Name Key/ENV Var Explanation Default value
Allow registration ytdl_allow_registration ytdl_port Allows users to register in the login page true
Auth method ytdl_auth_method ytdl_port "internal" or "ldap" "internal"
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