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SimpleDOI Build Status

A library for locating DOIs and retrieving metadata about their targets

Basic Usage

Retrieve the target resource URL from a known DOI

require 'simple_doi'

# Instantiate a DOI object based on a DOI string
doi = '10.1000/182'

# Override "curb" or "net/http" as the resolver backend
# Defaults to 'curb' if Curl is already in use (curb already required), otherwise Net/HTTP
doi.backend = 'curb'

# Resolve the target URL
puts doi.target_url
# Prints: ""

Extract one or more DOIs from a larger string, such as a URL

# An HTTP backend must be loaded
require 'curb'
# alternatively
# require 'net/http'

require 'simple_doi'

input = ''

# SimpleDOI#extract returns an array of DOI objects
dois = SimpleDOI.extract input
puts dois.first.inspect
# Prints: [#<SimpleDOI::DOI:0x007f6316bf14d8 @doi="10.1000/182", @target_url=nil, @backend=curb>]

# Note the @target_url has not yet been resolved

Retrieve metadata about the target resource

Via content negotiation Accept: headers, JSON or XML metadata can be retrieved. The SimpleDOI::MetadataParser module provides very basic parsing for application/citeproc+json and application/unixref+xml content types. Review the source files in lib/metadata_parser/*.rb to see available metadata methods.

Note that not all targets may be able to supply your requested format. Content negotiation allows you to request multiple types in order of preference, and the DOI#lookup method will return the first it could retrieve while setting its response_content_type property accordingly.

# Retrieve JSON metadata (default format)
doi ='10.1111/j.1475-3995.1998.tb00130.x')

# Call lookup() with no format specified for JSON
json = doi.lookup
puts doi.response_content_type
# "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json"

# Retrieve Unixref XML
doi ='10.1111/j.1475-3995.1998.tb00130.x')

# Call lookup() and specify the
xml = doi.lookup SimpleDOI::UNIXREF_XML
puts doi.response_content_type
# "application/vnd.crossref.unixref+xml"

# Call lookup() and prefer XML, but fallback to JSON if unavailable
response = doi.lookup [SimpleDOI::UNIXREF_XML, SimpleDOI::CITEPROC_JSON]
# Check the response_content_type to verify you got what you wanted
if doi.response_content_type == SimpleDOI::UNIXREF_XML
  # Handle it as XML...
  # Handle it as JSON

Valid format arguments for lookup are SimpleDOI::UNIXREF_XML, SimpleDOI::CITEPROC_JSON

Additional lookup arguments

Pass an options hash as the second argument to lookup() with additional settings for network backends. Currently only timeout is supported for the Curb backend.

# Increase lookup timeout (default 10s)
response = doi.lookup(SimpleDOI::UNIXREF_XML, {timeout: 20})

Parse returned metadata

The metadata format parsers included with this library are not comprehensive. They present a common, simple interface to retrieve certain metadata components we have needed in the past, but if you have more complex requirements you can always pass the response body to a general purpose interface like JSON or Nokogiri.

SimpleDOI::MetadataParser::CiteprocJSONParser and SimpleDOI::MetadataParser::UnixrefXMLParser accept the body attribute set on a DOI object after lookup and provide wrapper methods to retrieve certain important bibliographic attributes.

# Lookup an identifier, requesting Unixref XML
doi ='10.1111/j.1475-3995.1998.tb00130.x')
doi.lookup SimpleDOI::UNIXREF_XML

# Pass the body to a UnixrefXMLParser initializer
parser =

# Is it a book/mongraph?
# false

# Is it a general journal/serial (not article)?
# false

# Is it a journal/serial article
# true

# Is it a conference proceeding?
# false

# Get the ISSN
# "0969-6016"

# Get the journal title
# "International Transactions in Operational Research"

# Get the article title
# "Passenger Choice Analysis for Seat Capacity Control...."

# Get some publication information
"Vol: #{parser.volume} Issue: #{parser.issue} Pages: #{parser.pagination} Published: #{parser.publication_date}"
# "Vol: 5 Issue: 6 Pages: 471-486"
# "Published: 1998-11-01"

# Get the authors/editors/contributors
# "[#<struct SimpleDOI::MetadataParser::Parser::Contributor given_name=\"S-E.\", surname=\"Andersson\", contributor_role=\"author\", sequence=1>]"

# If multiple contributor_role values, shorthand as:

# Bundle up the whole thing as a Hash
# {:book_title=>nil, :book_series_title=>nil, :isbn=>nil, :eisbn=>nil, :journal_title=>"International Transactions in Operational Research", :journal_isoabbrev_title=>"Int Trans Operational Res", :issn=>"0969-6016", :eissn=>"1475-3995", :article_title=>"Passenger Choice Analysis for Seat Capacity Control: A Pilot Project in Scandinavian Airlines", :conference_title=>nil, :contributors=>[{:given_name=>"S-E.", :surname=>"Andersson", :contributor_role=>"author", :sequence=>1}], :doi=>"10.1111/j.1475-3995.1998.tb00130.x", :url=>"", :publisher=>nil, :volume=>"5", :issue=>"6", :pagination=>"471-486", :publication_date=>#<Date: 1998-11-01 ((2451119j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>}

All currently implemented methods are listed in lib/metadata_parser.rb


SimpleDOI supports either Net/HTTP or cURL (via Curb) as its resolver backend. On instantiation, it will attempt to detect if Curb is present and use it, falling back to Net/HTTP, and raising an error if neither is available.

The purpose of this is to avoid having to require curl when Net/HTTP is already in use. It comes at the cost of not declaring the Curb dependency and is maybe not helpful. It could be removed in the future, depending on one or the other.

If neither curb nor net/http has been required previously, will raise an error.

Supported DOIs

The University of Minnesota Libraries has collected many diverse thousands of DOIs, mostly from URLs passing through proxy servers. This library attempts to support all of those. They range from very simple to extremely complex.

  • 10.1023/
  • 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1050(199609)5:5!!447::AID-HEC220!!3.0.CO;2-#

Certain common patterns are used to extract additional ISSN identifiers from the DOIs. Note: These are strictly pattern matches from the DOI string, and therefore not guaranteed to actually be valid ISSNs. In our experience, and for our purposes they are sufficient.

  • 10.1111/j.1475-3995.1998.tb00130.x will yield 1475-3995 as its ISSN

For many examples of supported strings, see tests/fixtures/good-doi.txt.

Building the gem

# Build a .gem of the current version
$ gem build simple_doi.gemspec

# Perform a local install
$ gem install simple_doi-x.x.x.gem


$ bundle exec rake test

Known issues


DOI metadata retriever and parser gem for Ruby







No packages published
