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Weather Database

GitHub version

The Weather Database project creates a MySQL database to ingest and manage weather station data from multiple sources. Included in the repository are the schema model and everything needed to generate a weather station database. The wxdb package is able to interact with the database and grab metadata and station data from multiple sources. Currently, the sources supported are:

Through the configuration file, wxdbcan be setup to automatically download all desired stations for a given client and source.


It is preferable to use a Python virtual environment to reduce the possibility of a dependency issue.

  1. Create a virtualenv and activate it.

    virtualenv wxdbenv
    source wxdbenv/bin/activate

Tip: The developers recommend using an alias to quickly turn on and off your virtual environment.

  1. Clone WeatherDatabase source code from the USDA-ARS-NWRC github.

    git clone
  2. Change directories into the WeatherDatabase directory. Install the python requirements. After the requirements are done, install WeatherDatabase.

    cd WeatherDatabase
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python install

To install in developer mode pip install -e .


To make management easier, the authors recommend using Docker which aides in the management, deployment, and automation of downloads to the database. The official Docker image is found at the docker_weather_database.