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Ontology Change Request Template

Stephan Zednik edited this page May 5, 2015 · 1 revision
Change Proposal ...
Point of Contact ...


Briefly describe the change you would like to make to the ontology


Describe the background context for this change. Will this change be needed to support future features, to adapt to changing user requirements, to correct an inaccuracy in the current ontology, to fix a grammar mistake, etc.

Does this change affect the semantics of the ontology?


If YES, please explain.

Describe in detail the change being requested

Describe in detail the change being requested

Describe the reason for the change

Provide a justification for the proposed change

What are the anticipated impacts

State the anticipated impacts (pros and cons) of the proposed change.

What are the risks of not performing the change?

What happens if we do not implement this change?

What is the expected technical effort to support the change?

Expected effort to make the change, update documentation regarding the change, communicate the change to users, and update systems that use the ontology to support the change.

Describe alternatives considered

What other changes or workarounds were considered? Why was this change proposed over alternatives?

Related change proposals

Are there any other change proposals related to this one?


There is always some piece of information that is required that has no other place to go. This is the place for that information.