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grid.integrate method fails for an MPAS mesh dual grid, and MPAS physical field. #281

areanddee opened this issue Apr 18, 2023 · 9 comments
bug Something isn't working


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Describe the bug

integrate method fails when called from a dual grid extracted from a Native MPAS grid file, such as Specifically, it appears to be deducing the wrong numbers of faces on an icosahedral grid face, i.e. AreaCell(nCells) in the native MPAS grid file, where nCells = 40962, to compute the area. Instead it appears to be using nVertices = 81920. Thus the arrays of face_area and face values in integrate() appear nonconformal to the code, and it fails.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to
  2. run the python code located there.
  3. See error traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/glade/u/home/loft/ESDS-Hackathon/", line 31, in
prect_gbl = dual_grid.integrate(prect_ds)
File "/glade/work/loft/conda-envs/geocat/lib/python3.10/site-packages/uxarray/", line 379, in integrate
integral =, face_vals)
File "<array_function internals>", line 180, in dot
ValueError: shapes (81920,) and (40962,) not aligned: 81920 (dim 0) != 40962 (dim 0)

Expected behavior

integrate should compute the global integral, i.e.the, face_vals) both of which should be conformal arrays of length 40962 , and return the desired area integral result.

Here is an ncdump of the MPAS grid file: note shape of AreaCells.

(geocat) [loft@casper-login1 ~/ESDS-Hackathon]$ ncdump -h x1.40962/
netcdf x1.40962.grid {
nCells = 40962 ;
nEdges = 122880 ;
nVertices = 81920 ;
maxEdges = 10 ;
maxEdges2 = 20 ;
TWO = 2 ;
vertexDegree = 3 ;
nVertLevels = 1 ;
Time = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently)
double latCell(nCells) ;
double lonCell(nCells) ;
double meshDensity(nCells) ;
double xCell(nCells) ;
double yCell(nCells) ;
double zCell(nCells) ;
int indexToCellID(nCells) ;
double latEdge(nEdges) ;
double lonEdge(nEdges) ;
double xEdge(nEdges) ;
double yEdge(nEdges) ;
double zEdge(nEdges) ;
int indexToEdgeID(nEdges) ;
double latVertex(nVertices) ;
double lonVertex(nVertices) ;
double xVertex(nVertices) ;
double yVertex(nVertices) ;
double zVertex(nVertices) ;
int indexToVertexID(nVertices) ;
int cellsOnEdge(nEdges, TWO) ;
int nEdgesOnCell(nCells) ;
int nEdgesOnEdge(nEdges) ;
int edgesOnCell(nCells, maxEdges) ;
int edgesOnEdge(nEdges, maxEdges2) ;
double weightsOnEdge(nEdges, maxEdges2) ;
double dvEdge(nEdges) ;
double dv1Edge(nEdges) ;
double dv2Edge(nEdges) ;
double dcEdge(nEdges) ;
double angleEdge(nEdges) ;
double areaCell(nCells) ;
double areaTriangle(nVertices) ;
int cellsOnCell(nCells, maxEdges) ;
int verticesOnCell(nCells, maxEdges) ;
int verticesOnEdge(nEdges, TWO) ;
int edgesOnVertex(nVertices, vertexDegree) ;
int cellsOnVertex(nVertices, vertexDegree) ;
double kiteAreasOnVertex(nVertices, vertexDegree) ;

// global attributes:
:on_a_sphere = "YES " ;
:sphere_radius = 1. ;
:np = 40962 ;
:n_scvt_iterations = 1000 ;
:eps = 1.e-10 ;
:Convergence = "L2" ;

Centos 7.0

(geocat) [loft@casper-login1 ~/ESDS-Hackathon]$ conda list

packages in environment at /glade/work/loft/conda-envs/geocat:

Name Version Build Channel

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zipp 3.10.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
zlib 1.2.13 h166bdaf_4 conda-forge
zlib-ng 2.0.6 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge
zstd 1.5.2 h6239696_4 conda-forge

@areanddee areanddee added the bug Something isn't working label Apr 18, 2023
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@philipc2 @rajeeja this is a follow up issue from our ESDS unstructured grids collab. work yesterday. Could you please look into it when you have time?

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rajeeja commented Apr 18, 2023

We are working on it and should have a fix soon.

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Thank you for this! We have been working on getting a fix for the face area calculation that was brought up at the ESDS event, see #283. The area is now correctly calculated for both the primal and dual meshes

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rajeeja commented Apr 18, 2023

@areanddee I don't have access to []

Error message says dims are off .. one is #nodes and the other is #faces are you getting variable and mesh from the same grid?

prect_gbl = dual_grid.integrate(prect_ds)

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philipc2 commented Apr 18, 2023


I was able to evaluate the integral using the primal_mesh, since it appears that the data that you are using is defined there.

primal_grid = ux.Grid(mpas_grid_ds, use_dual=False)
prect_gbl = primal_grid.integrate(prect_ds)

The output I got was: prect (GBL integral): 4.821380031525318e-07

This was using the changes in #283

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areanddee commented Apr 19, 2023 via email

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rajeeja commented Apr 19, 2023

Phillip and Ravi-

The MPAS scalar field and mesh both use the same cell centers.

I believe the root cause of my issue to be that in the April release, only
the dual mesh version of compute_face_area gave the correct answer, but the
dual mesh cannot use the integrate method to compute global integrals. So
primal must be used (which was broken). Now that it works (#283) I can just
change to primal.

I am embarrassed to say that I not sure how to update my conda environment
to #283 on Git to check/use this. A couple pointers in that regard would be


On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 3:56 PM Philip Chmielowiec @.***>

I was able to calculate the integral using the primal_mesh, since it
appears that the data that you are using is defined there.

primal_grid = ux.Grid(mpas_grid_ds, use_dual=False)prect_gbl = primal_grid.integrate(prect_ds)

The output I got was: prect (GBL integral): 4.821380031525318e-07

This was using the changes in #283

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Clone this repo, cd into it and do:

pip install -e .

@philipc2 philipc2 added this to the MPAS I/O milestone Aug 22, 2023
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rajeeja commented Oct 3, 2023

@areanddee I think we have fixed this. Can you try again?


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Closing now, could always re-open if the issue persists.

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bug Something isn't working
Status: ✅ Done

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4 participants