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MGasztold edited this page Jan 18, 2017 · 4 revisions

Ubudu Indoor Location servers provide tiles support for displaying the map configured in the Manager Platform. To get the current map's tiles base url call the following method:;

The url's template is as follows:{MAP_CUSTOM_ID}/{TILES_UUID}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

This is the tiles URL in a standard format that is supported e.g. by Google Maps API. For more details please see this.

The map tiles base url is printed out above every floor map on the Manager Platform's map editor (see screenshot below):

Original map overlay image file

The image that has been used to create a map in the Manager Platform can be retrieved in the mobile app e.g. for display purposes. It is possible to get an object with the map image:

InputStream mapOverlayImageInputStream = mIndoorLocationManager.getCurrentMapOverlayInputStream();