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Twitter thread archiver/renderer

This piece of code is designed to run periodically, fetch new tweets from configured threads and update generated Markdown files for each threads.

How to use

All threads are listed in config.yml under root key:

    my_thread: 123456789123456789

Key under root will be the name of the page ( and the value is the ID of a tweet that belongs to the desired thread.

You can also specify a title for a thread:

        thread_id: 123456789123456789
        title: My fancy thread

To group threads into a tree structure you can use subdirs:

    my_thread: 123456789123456789
            my_important_thread: 987654321987654321

Keys on the first level under subdirs will become directories, and under each of them you can specify threads just like under root (in fact, root is actually defined as a subdir, so it behaves identically).

Definitive information on all knobs available is in common/config.go.

Which tweet ID to use?

If you put the ID of the first tweet in a thread, collector will try to fetch the full tree of replies by the thread author and pick the longest chain out of it.

If you put ID of a tweet further down the thread, collector will walk up from it to the start of the thread ignoring any branches, and attempt to fetch the full tree below the specified tweet.

Due to limitations of Twitter API, for older threads putting ID of the first tweet might not work. But putting the ID of the last tweet should always work.

Running locally

To run the generator locally you'll need:

  1. Working Go compiler
  2. Any valid Twitter bearer token (obtainable by registering and creating an app on Twitter developer portal), stored in .secrets/twitter_bearer_token file.
  3. GNU make

First, update the generated files to their current state:

git submodule update --init --remote

Then run the collector and renderer:

make collect render

If it doesn't spit out anything looking like an error, you should get the output in generated/ directory.

Technical details

For our purposes a thread is defined as the longest chain of replies by the same user that starts from a tweet by that user.

To track that, collector stores the whole tree of replies by the thread author in state branch.

Additionally, if the specified tweet ID is not the first in the thread, branches that start off from tweets before it are ignored, i.e., we fetch only a single chain of tweets there by following replied_to relationship.


Without Academic Research access tweets search endpoint only returns tweets from the last 7 days, which isn't very useful.

So instead of that, we're fetching tweets specified in the config by ID (which works regardless of tweet age), and then fetch the timeline of the tweet author. Timeline returns up to 3200 last tweets, which usually covers a lot more than 7 days.

Reconstructing threads from user's timeline is not particularly hard given that conversation_id is the same for all tweets in a thread and replied_to points to the previous tweet.

To avoid fetching all 3200 tweets every time, we store the point up to which we fetched the timeline the last time in state branch, so the next time we can fetch only new tweets after it. Whenever a new thread by the same user is added that value gets reset in order to have a chance to fetch tweets belonging to the newly added thread.