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Ethereum: Auction platform

License GPL3 100% Coverage Dependencies Contributions welcome Dogeness Build Passing Rating Patreons Funding

Student project for blockchain fundamentals course.

Project overview

  • This project is an implementation of Vickrey auction on Ethereum blockchain using Solidity.
  • A user is able to create an auction by providing a starting price, two phase deadlines, and description of an item/service to be sold.
  • For a given auction, users are be able to bid by locking their funds (possibly greater than the placed bid) in the contract without revealing their actual bid.
  • After the first deadline users must reveal their bids for them to be considered. Users cannot create new bids now.
  • After the second deadline, respective funds can be withdrawn by the interested parties. Winner (if any) withdraws the difference between their bid and the second price, while the auction creator withdraws the second price.

Full description of the project can be found here: Documentation (PL).

First time setup

  1. Install node, npm and ganache.
  2. Add MetaMask to chrome or firefox.
  3. Run npm install.
  4. Run Ganache and perform first time setup.
  5. Connect MetaMask to your Ganache account of choice.
  6. Link this project to Ganache workspace (in Ganache: settings -> workspace -> ADD PROJECT -> select truffle-config.js)
  7. Run npm run deploy in cloned directory.


  1. Ensure that Ganache is running.
  2. Run npm run dev in cloned directory.
  3. Go to localhost:3000.


Licenses and acknowledgments

Project code is distributed under the GPL3 License. See LICENSE for more information.

Ultimate Dogecoin Infinity 2 logo and all other images are distributed under CC BY-SA 4.0.