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Known Issues

Constantin Mihai edited this page Dec 26, 2022 · 10 revisions

This is a list of known issues, ordered by the versions. Please read this before posting an issue.

If an issue is not marked as fixed, it persists across all newer versions (starting with the version that mentions the issue).


  • [#49] Comment templates use the wrong template end marker


  • [#29] Express engine render path replaces / with \ on Windows, leading to cache misses

  • [#28] path relativity is not correctly determined on Windows


  • [#20] the local and context objects cannot have their references modified (i.e. directly assigning to either of those will not work)

  • [#38] very rarely, the process crashes with the SIGSEGV signal when the user uses loops


  • [#3] the render function segfaults if the output size is 0 (e.g. when the file only contains a conditional template which is false). This results in a crash

  • [#4] the expression {} in a conditional template will be evaluated as false instead of true

  • [#39] a segfault occurs when a template escape character is used in a context-less component

  • [#40] object expressions don't work inside templates



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