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Constantin Mihai edited this page Apr 17, 2021 · 6 revisions

Shared Object since 0.2.5

A shared object is an object used to store global data that persists through all files/strings.

since 0.2.8 The shared value can now be of any type. It's no longer required to be an object.

The shared object is passed to the render function as the third argument, after the context.

The data can be accessed from the rendered file/string, as well as any components and subcomponents.


Here's a basic example:


// (path, context, shared)
erny.render("/path/to/test.eryn", { }, { firstName: "Tyler", lastName: "Bounty" });


Hello, [| shared.firstName |] [| shared.lastName |]!

This will be rendered as:

Hello, Tyler Bounty!

You can see that the firstName and lastName properties are accessible through the shared object.

The properties are not limited to strings. You can also use types like Object and Array:


eryn.render("/path/to/test.eryn", { }, {
    user: {
        name: "Tyler",
        favoriteNumbers: [2, 21, 46]


Hello, [| |]!

Your second favorite number is [| shared.user.favoriteNumbers[1] |].

This will be rendered as:

Hello, Tyler!

Your second favorite number is 21.

The shared object is usable in any components and subcomponents.


This is the parent.

[|% comp.eryn /|]

[| shared.user.newProp |]


This is the component.


[|# shared.user.newProp = "new property" |]


This is the parent.

This is the component.


new property


If the shared object is changed in a component, the changes persist and can be observed in the parent. Note that direct assignment will not change the shared object, just like local and context. See this issue for more information.

Just like context and local, shared can be used as a normal JavaScript object. The following code will run just fine.

[|# shared.items = [0, 1, 2] |]

[|@ item : shared.items |]



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