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jtgasper3 edited this page Oct 30, 2014 · 2 revisions

The Google Apps Provisioner can be run in two different ways:

  • Change Log Consumer
  • Full Sync Agent

Both methods require that the module and dependency jar files be added to the Java classpath. The recommend approach is to keep the Google Apps jars separate from Grouper. Add the module and dependencies to the CLASSPATH environment variable before execution:

  • On Linux: export CLASSPATH=<PROJECT_HOME>/target/google-apps-provisioner-1.X.X-SNAPSHOT.jar:<PROJECT_HOME>/target/dependency/*
  • On Windows: set CLASSPATH=<PROJECT_HOME>/target/google-apps-provisioner-1.X.X-SNAPSHOT.jar;<PROJECT_HOME>/target/dependency/*

The other option is to copy the target/google-apps-provisioner-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and jar files in target/dependency to the <GROUP_HOME>/lib/custom` directory.

Change Log Consumer

Starting the Google Apps Provisioner change log consumer is straight-forward. Just start the Grouper Shell with the loader option (e.g. gsh -loader).

Full Sync

A Full Sync can be run by using the <PROJECT_HOME>/bin/googleAppFullSync shell script. There are several variations, choose the one appropriate for your operating system.

The googleAppFullSync script has one require parameter and one optional parameter. The first parameter is the consumerName as specified when setting up the Provisioner-Properties. The second is a --dry-run flag which will process most of the changes without actually sending them to Google.

The formal invocation syntax is googleAppFullSync consumer_name [--dry-run].

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