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Custom Nodes

Mefodei edited this page Feb 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

Simple Custom Node

Define you own custom node is easy. All you need is create new class and extend UniNode base class

[CreateNodeMenu("Examples/SimpleCustomNodes/SimpleDemoNode",nodeName = "Simple Node")]
public class SimpleDemoNode: UniNode


After that your node would be look like

Hm...No so pretty as you imagine, i think. But now we can add several additional parameters to our node.

Define inspector

[CreateNodeMenu("Examples/SimpleCustomNodes/SimpleDemoNode",nodeName = "Simple Node")]
public class SimpleDemoNode: UniNode
    private int intDataOne;
    public int intDataTwo;

But there is still no way to data connection. Let's fix that!

Define Node Ports

[CreateNodeMenu("Examples/SimpleCustomNodes/SimpleNode",nodeName = "Simple Node")]
public class SimpleDemoNode : UniNode

    private int intDataOne;
    public int intDataTwo;

    public int inInt;

    public float outInt;


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