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Merge 62a5aa7 into 02f53ec
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stephen-palmer committed Nov 6, 2018
2 parents 02f53ec + 62a5aa7 commit c06cdd7
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Showing 22 changed files with 908 additions and 313 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ Command | Description
`-l`, `--log-level <n>` | The level of log verbosity. Valid values are 0 (silent) through 5 (debug). The default is 3.
`-w`, `--workers <n>` | The number of worker threads to spawn. The default is 0.
`-m`, `--mirror [host:port]` | Mirror transactions to another cache server. Repeat this option for multiple mirrors.
`-m`, `--monitor-parent-process <n>` | Monitor a parent process and exit if it dies.
`--dump-config` | Write the active configuration to the console.
`--save-config [path]` | Write the active configuration to the specified file and exit. Defaults to `./default.yml`.
`--NODE_CONFIG_DIR=<path>` | The directory to search for config files. This is equivalent to setting the `NODE_CONFIG_DIR` environment variable. If not specified, the built-in configuration is used.
Expand All @@ -76,7 +75,10 @@ By default, running `unity-cache-server` uses the built-in configuration file. T
### General Options
Option | Default | Description
----------------------------------- | ----------- | -----------
Global.logLevel |3 | Logging level; override with the --log-level CLI command
Cache.options.processor.putWhitelist|[] | Only allow PUT transactions (uploads) from the specified array of IP addresses (string values)
Cache.options.workers |1 | Number of worker threads; override with the --worker CLI command
Server.port |8126 | The port on which the Cache Server listens. Override with the --port CLI command
Server.options.allowIPv6 |false | Listen for client connections on both IPv4 and IPv6
#### Examples (Mac/Linux)

Expand Down
145 changes: 50 additions & 95 deletions cleanup.js
@@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
const helpers = require('./lib/helpers');
const config = require('config');

const consts = require('./lib/constants');
const program = require('commander');
const cmd = require('commander');
const moment = require('moment');
const filesize =require('filesize');
const ora = require('ora');
const VERSION = require('./package.json').version;

function myParseInt(val, def) {
val = parseInt(val);
return (!val && val !== 0) ? def : val;
const { version } = require('./package.json');
const { UnityCacheServer } = require('./lib/unity_cache_server');

function parseTimeSpan(val) {
Expand All @@ -25,97 +18,59 @@ function parseTimeSpan(val) {
return val;

const defaultCacheModule = config.get("Cache.defaultModule");

program.description("Unity Cache Server - Cache Cleanup\n\n Removes old files from supported cache modules.")
.option('-c --cache-module [path]', 'Use cache module at specified path', defaultCacheModule)
.option('-P, --cache-path [path]', 'Specify the path of the cache directory')
.option('-l, --log-level <n>', 'Specify the level of log verbosity. Valid values are 0 (silent) through 5 (debug)', myParseInt, consts.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL)
.option('-e, --expire-time-span <timeSpan>', 'Override the configured file expiration timespan. Both ASP.NET style time spans (days.minutes:hours:seconds, e.g. \'15.23:59:59\') and ISO 8601 time spans (e.g. \'P15DT23H59M59S\') are supported.', parseTimeSpan)
.option('-s, --max-cache-size <bytes>', 'Override the configured maximum cache size. Files will be removed from the cache until the max cache size is satisfied, using a Least Recently Used search. A value of 0 disables this check.', myParseInt)
.option('-d, --delete', 'Delete cached files that match the configured criteria. Without this, the default behavior is to dry-run which will print diagnostic information only.')
.option('-D, --daemon <interval>', 'Daemon mode: execute the cleanup script at the given interval in seconds as a foreground process.', myParseInt)
.option('--NODE_CONFIG_DIR=<path>', 'Specify the directory to search for config files. This is equivalent to setting the NODE_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. Without this option, the built-in configuration is used.');



const CacheModule = helpers.resolveCacheModule(program.cacheModule, __dirname);

if(! {
helpers.log(consts.LOG_ERR, "Configured cache module does not support cleanup script.");
const optionMap = {
cacheModule: {
flags: "-c --cache-module <path>",
description: "Use cache module at specified path",
cachePath: {
flags: "-P, --cache-path <path>",
description: "Specify the path of the cache directory",
expireTimeSpan: {
flags: "-e, --expire-time-span <timeSpan>",
description: "Override the configured file expiration timespan. Both ASP.NET style time spans (days.minutes:hours:seconds, e.g. \'15.23:59:59\') and ISO 8601 time spans (e.g. \'P15DT23H59M59S\') are supported.', parseTimeSpan)",
validator: parseTimeSpan
maxCacheSize: {
flags: "-s, --max-cache-size <bytes>",
description: "Override the configured maximum cache size. Files will be removed from the cache until the max cache size is satisfied, using a Least Recently Used search. A value of 0 disables this check.",
validator: parseInt,
default: 0
delete: {
flags: "-d, --delete",
description: "Delete cached files that match the configured criteria. Without this, the default behavior is to dry-run which will print diagnostic information only.",
defaultValue: false
daemon: {
flags: "-D, --daemon <interval>",
description: "Daemon mode: execute the cleanup script at the given interval in seconds as a foreground process.",
validator: parseInt

const cache = new CacheModule();
cmd.description("Unity Cache Server - Cache Cleanup\n\n Removes old files from supported cache modules.").version(version).allowUnknownOption(true);
UnityCacheServer.handleCommandLine(cmd, optionMap);

const cacheOpts = { cleanupOptions: {} };

if(program.cachePath !== null) {
cacheOpts.cachePath = program.cachePath;
if(cmd.expireTimeSpan !== null) {
cacheOpts.cleanupOptions.expireTimeSpan = cmd.expireTimeSpan;

if(program.hasOwnProperty('expireTimeSpan')) {
cacheOpts.cleanupOptions.expireTimeSpan = program.expireTimeSpan;
if(cmd.maxCacheSize > 0) {
cacheOpts.cleanupOptions.maxCacheSize = cmd.maxCacheSize;

if(program.hasOwnProperty('maxCacheSize')) {
cacheOpts.cleanupOptions.maxCacheSize = program.maxCacheSize;

const dryRun = !program.delete;
const logLevel = helpers.getLogLevel();

cache._options = cacheOpts;
helpers.log(consts.LOG_INFO, `Cache path is ${cache._cachePath}`);

cache.on('cleanup_delete_item', item => helpers.log(consts.LOG_DBG, item));
const dryRun = !cmd.delete;
const daemon = cmd.hasOwnProperty('daemon') ? cmd.daemon : 0;

cache.on('cleanup_delete_finish', data => {
const pct = data.cacheSize > 0 ? (data.deleteSize/data.cacheSize).toPrecision(2) * 100 : 0;
helpers.log(consts.LOG_INFO, `Found ${data.deleteCount} expired files of ${data.cacheCount}. ${filesize(data.deleteSize)} of ${filesize(data.cacheSize)} (${pct}%).`);
if(dryRun) {
helpers.log(consts.LOG_INFO, "Nothing deleted; run with --delete to remove expired files from the cache.");

let spinner = null;

if(logLevel < consts.LOG_DBG && logLevel >= consts.LOG_INFO) {
spinner = ora({color: 'white'});

cache.on('cleanup_search_progress', data => {
spinner.text = `${data.msg} (${data.deleteCount} of ${data.cacheCount} files, ${filesize(data.deleteSize)})`;

cache.on('cleanup_search_finish', () => {

} else if(logLevel === consts.LOG_DBG) {
cache.on('cleanup_search_progress', data => {
const txt = `${data.msg} (${data.deleteCount} of ${data.cacheCount} files, ${filesize(data.deleteSize)})`;
helpers.log(consts.LOG_DBG, txt);
.then(() => UnityCacheServer.cleanup(dryRun, daemon * 1000))
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((err) => {

const msg = 'Gathering cache files for expiration';
function doCleanup() {
if (spinner) spinner.start(msg);
.catch(err => {
if (spinner) spinner.stop();
helpers.log(consts.LOG_ERR, err);

if(program.hasOwnProperty('daemon') && program.daemon > 0) {
setInterval(doCleanup, program.daemon * 1000);
else {
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion config/default.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
## the cachePath key, if set, will override 'cachePath' within the individual module options below
#cachePath: ".cache"
defaultModule: "cache_fs"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,9 +36,13 @@ Cache:
saveUnreliableVersionArtifacts: true
multiClient: false
addresses: []
queueProcessDelay: 2000
connectionIdleTimeout: 10000
port: 8126
allowIpv6: false
allowIpv6: false
logLevel: 3
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions config/local-test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
persistence: false
persistence: false
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions lib/cache/cache_base.js
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ const EventEmitter = require('events');
const cluster = require('cluster');
const consts = require('../constants');
const helpers = require('../helpers');
const config = require('config');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const defaultsDeep = require('lodash').defaultsDeep;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ class CacheBase extends EventEmitter {

get _options() {
const opts = config.get(this._optionsPath);
const opts = require('config').get(this._optionsPath);
return defaultsDeep(this._optionOverrides, opts);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ class CacheBase extends EventEmitter {

* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @returns {Promise<null>}
async shutdown() {
if(!cluster.isMaster) return Promise.resolve();
Expand Down
53 changes: 29 additions & 24 deletions lib/cache/cache_fs.js
Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class CacheFS extends CacheBase {
const self = this;
await super.endPutTransaction(transaction);

await Promise.all(
return Promise.all( (file) => {
try {
const filePath = await self._writeFileToCache(file.type, transaction.guid, transaction.hash, file.file);
Expand All @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class CacheFS extends CacheBase {

cleanup(dryRun = true) {
async cleanup(dryRun = true) {
const expireDuration = moment.duration(this._options.cleanupOptions.expireTimeSpan);
const minFileAccessTime = moment().subtract(expireDuration).toDate();
const maxCacheSize = this._options.cleanupOptions.maxCacheSize;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,31 +141,34 @@ class CacheFS extends CacheBase {
const progressTimer = setInterval(progressEvent, 250);

return helpers.readDir(this._cachePath, async (item) => {

if(item.stats.isDirectory()) return next();
await helpers.readDir(this._cachePath, (item) => {
if(item.stats.isDirectory()) return;

cacheSize += item.stats.size;
cacheCount ++;

if(item.stats.atime < minFileAccessTime) {
deleteSize += item.stats.size;
await this.delete_cache_item(dryRun, item);
}).then(async () => {
if (maxCacheSize <= 0 || cacheSize - deleteSize <= maxCacheSize) {

await Promise.all( => this.delete_cache_item(dryRun, d))

deleteItems.length = 0;

if (maxCacheSize > 0 && cacheSize - deleteSize > maxCacheSize) {
let needsSorted = false;
cacheCount = 0;
spinnerMessage = 'Gathering files to delete to satisfy Max cache size';

await helpers.readDir(this._cachePath, (item) => {
if(item.stats.isDirectory()) return next();
if (item.stats.isDirectory()) return next();

if(item.stats.atime < minFileAccessTime) {
if (item.stats.atime < minFileAccessTime) {
// already expired items are handled in the previous pass
return next();
Expand All @@ -179,8 +182,12 @@ class CacheFS extends CacheBase {
needsSorted = true;
else {
if(needsSorted) {
deleteItems.sort((a, b) => { return a.stats.atime > b.stats.atime });
if (needsSorted) {
deleteItems.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.stats.atime === b.stats.atime) return 0;
return a.stats.atime > b.stats.atime ? 1 : -1

needsSorted = false;

Expand All @@ -200,18 +207,16 @@ class CacheFS extends CacheBase {
}).then(async () => {
this.emit('cleanup_search_finish', progressData());

await Promise.all( (d) => {
await this.delete_cache_item(dryRun, d);
this.emit('cleanup_search_finish', progressData());

this.emit('cleanup_delete_finish', progressData());
await Promise.all( => this.delete_cache_item(dryRun, d))

this.emit('cleanup_delete_finish', progressData());

async delete_cache_item(dryRun = true, item) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/client/client.js
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class CacheClient {

* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @returns {Promise<null>}
quit() {
if(!this._client) return Promise.resolve();
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions lib/constants.js
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,15 @@ const constants = {
INFO: 'i',
BIN: 'a',
CACHE_MODULE: "Cache.defaultModule",
CACHE_PATH: "Cache.cachePath",
WORKERS: "Cache.options.workers",
LOG_LEVEL: "Global.logLevel",
PORT: "Server.port",
MIRROR: "Mirror.addresses",
ALLOW_IP_V6: "Server.options.allowIpv6"

Expand Down

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