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UD Indonesian-CSUI is a conversion from an Indonesian constituency treebank in the Penn Treebank format named Kethu that was also a conversion from a constituency treebank built by Dinakaramani et al. (2015). We named this treebank Indonesian-CSUI, since all the three versions of the treebanks were built at Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia.


UD Indonesian-CSUI treebank was converted automatically from the Kethu treebank, an Indonesian constituency treebank in the Penn Treebank format. The Kethu treebank itself was converted from a consituency treebank built by Dinakaramani et al. (2015).

Other characteristics of the treebank:

  • Genre: news in formal Indonesian (the majority is economic news)
  • This treebank consists of 1030 sentences and 28K words. We divide CSUI treebank into testing and training dataset:
    • Testing dataset consists of around 10K words
    • Training dataset consists of around 18K words
  • Average sentence length is around 27.4 words per-sentence, which is very high compare to the Indonesian-PUD treebank that has average sentence length of 19.4.


  • The original constituency treebank was built with manual annotation by Arawinda Dinakaramani, Fam Rashel, Andry Luthfi, and Ruli Manurung at Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia in 2015.
  • The previous treebank was converted to the Penn Treebank format by Ika Alfina and Jessica Naraiswari Arwidarasti in 2019-2020. This PTB version was named Kethu.
  • The Kethu treebank was converted automatically to this UD treebank by Alfina et al. (2020).
  • The lemma (LEMMA) and morphological features (FEATS) were generated using Aksara and manually corrected.



  • 2021-11-15 v2.9
    • Added text_en (translation of each sentence to English, generated using Google Translate)
    • Added features Definite (values: Ind, Def), Mood (values:Ind, Imp), NumType (values: Card, Ord), and Polite (values: Form, Infm)
    • Removed feature Poss (value:Yes)
    • Fixed FEATS columns for various words
    • Changed the annotations for "di mana" (where), "yang" (which), 'apa/apakah' (what, whether, adverb in yes-no questions)
    • Changed the annotations for transition words, such as "sementara itu" (meanwhile), "oleh karena itu" (therefore), etc.
    • Fixed udapi bugs (multi-obj, multi-subj, and so on)
  • 2020-11-15 v2.7
    • Initial release in Universal Dependencies.
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================
Data available since: UD v2.7
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Includes text: yes
Genre: nonfiction news
Lemmas: automatic with corrections
UPOS: converted with corrections
XPOS: converted with corrections
Features: automatic with corrections
Relations: converted with corrections
Contributors: Alfina, Ika; Arwidarasti, Jessica Naraiswari; Hanifmuti, Muhammad Yudistira; Dinakaramani, Arawinda; Manurung, Ruli; Rashel, Fam; Luthfi, Andry
Contributing: here