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Gunnar Skjold edited this page Oct 26, 2022 · 4 revisions

Q: My meter delivers data, but AMS reports No Data Received or checksum error

A: Please check the baud rate and parity. See Known hardware configurations for more information

Q: I connected the M-BUS adapter to RX on my development board, why can't I receive any data?

A: Development cards with USB interface have the USB-TTL chip connected to RX and TX pin on the ESP. This means that RX cannot be used for the MBUS-TTL adapter. Use a different pin for HAN RX.

Q: Why is the display voltage for my ESP8266 board lower than actual voltage?

A: Some development boards (f.ex. D1 mini and NodeMCU) has a voltage divider attached at the ADC pin. In the code we use ADC mode ADC_VCC which requires the ADC pin to be unconnected (stated here). Since there is a voltage divider connected, the GND to ADC resistor is interfering with the internal voltage reading. The only way to properly resolve this is to adjust the Vcc multiplier in GPIO settings.

Q: I have installed the firmware on a ESP32 board. Why is the voltage displayed in the GUI 0.00V ?

A: Unlike ESP8266, ESP32 does not have internal voltage sensing. If you want to monitor the voltage on ESP32, you have to connect a voltage divider between GND and Vcc and input the divided voltage to a GPIO pin. Set up the pin and resistor values in the configuration in the GUI.

Q: Can you implement support for Kamstrup meter protocol? (KMP)

A: This is as far as I know an undocumented proprietary protocol. Although there are implementations that exists in the wild, these are not documentation enough for me to implement without such meter at hand for testing. There is also a legal question, since you risk violating patents when implementing code from reverse engineered knowlede. In short, get Kamstrup to release me the documents and give the green light for having it implemented in an open source project and I'll do it.