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Jereme Haack edited this page Apr 6, 2014 · 1 revision

Definition of Terms

  • JsonRPC: JSON-encoded remote procedure call
  • JSON: JavaScript object notation is a text-based, human-readable, open data interchange format, similar to XML, but much better
  • Publish/subscribe: A message delivery pattern where senders (publishers) and receivers (subscribers) do not communicate directly nor necessarily have knowledge of each other, but instead exchange messages through an intermediary based on a mutual class or topic
  • ZeroMQ or ØMQ: A library used for interprocess and intercomputer communicationc
  • Modbus: Communications protocol for talking with industrial electronic devices
  • SSH: Secure shell is a network protocol providing encryption and authentication of data using public-key cryptography
  • SSL: Secure sockets layer is a technology for encryption and authentication of network traffic based on a chain of trust
  • TLS: Transport layer security is the successor to SSL

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