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Craig edited this page Oct 8, 2015 · 6 revisions

In order to make repetitive tasks less repetitive the VOLTTRON team has create several scripts in order to help. These tasks are available in the scripts directory. Before using these scripts you should become familiar with the Agent Development process.

In addition to the scripts directory, the VOLTTRON team has added the config directory to the .gitignore file. By convention this is where we store customized scripts and configuration that will not be made public. Please feel free to use this convention in your own processes.

The scripts/core directory is laid out in such a way that we can build scripts on top of a base core. For example the scripts in sub-folders such as the management-service-demo, historian-scripts, and demo-commsa all use the scripts that are present in the core directory.

The most widely used script is scripts/core/ The script will remove an agent if the tag is already present, create a new agent package, and install the agent to VOLTTRON_HOME. This script has three required arguments and has the following signature

# Agent to Package must have a in the root of the directory.
scripts/core/ <Agent to Package> <Config file> <Tag>

The script will respect the VOLTTRON_HOME specified on the command line or set in the global environment. An example of setting VOLTTRON_HOME is as follows.

# Sets VOLTTRON_HOME to /tmp/v1home 
VOLTTRON_HOME=/tmp/v1home scripts/core/ <Agent to Package> <Config file> <Tag>

Use the following scripts as examples that can be modified for your own agents.

  • scripts/core/make-listener can be modified for any agent and make it one command to stop, remove, build, install, configure, tag, start, and (optionally) enable an agent for autostart. Fill out the script with the location of the agent source, config file, and tag name. The optional parameter enable can be passed to the make-agent script to set the agent to autostart with the platform.

  • make-listener-enc-auth is similar to make-listener but uses encryption and authentication.

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