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Izy - Zola Theme

Live demo:



  • Comments
  • Page 404
  • Categories
  • Dark Mode
  • Google Analytics
  • Multilingual
  • Search
  • Social Links

Built With

Getting Started

  1. It is recommended to add this theme as a git submodule in your zola project:
cd zola-project
git submodule add -b main themes/izy-zola
  1. Change below parameter in your config.toml file:
# The site theme to use.
theme = "izy-zola"
  1. Overwrite default values of theme by editing your zola main config.toml file:
favicon = "/ico/favicon.ico"
enable_search = true
enable_multilingue = false

# [extra.lang]
# items = [
#     { lang = "en", links = [
#         { base_url = "/", name = "English" },
#         { base_url = "/pl", name = "Polish" }
#     ] },
#     { lang = "pl", links = [
#         { base_url = "/", name = "Angielski" },
#         { base_url = "/pl", name = "Polski" }
#     ] }
# ]
enabled = false

enabled = false

title = ""
items = [
    { lang = "en", links = [
        { url = "/blog", name = "Blog"},
        { url = "/categories", name = "Categories"},
        { url = "/tags", name = "Tags"},
    ] },

enabled = false
show_categories = true
position = 'right' # left / right
custom_items = [
    { lang = "en", links = [
        { url = "/blog", name = "Blog"},
        { url = "/categories", name = "Categories"},
        { url = "/tags", name = "Tags"},
    ] },

links = [
#{github = ""},
#{gitlab = ""},
#{twitter = ""},
#{linkedin = ""},

Theme Options

Multilingual sites

  1. Set below flag to true (required)
enable_multilingue = true
  1. Add your language to config.toml (required)
items = [
    { lang = "en", links = [
        { base_url = "/", name = "English" },
        { base_url = "/pl", name = "Polish" }
    ] },
    { lang = "pl", links = [
        { base_url = "/", name = "Angielski" },
        { base_url = "/pl", name = "Polski" }
    ] }
  1. Customize your navbar (optional)
items = [
    { lang = "en", links = [
        { url = "/assets", name = "Assets"},
        { url = "/blog", name = "Blog"},
        { url = "/snippets", name = "Snippets"},
        { url = "/projects", name = "Projects"},
    ] },
    { lang = "pl", links = [
        { url = "/pl/assets", name = "Assety"},
        { url = "/pl/blog", name = "Blog"},
        { url = "/pl/snippets", name = "Kod"},
        { url = "/pl/projects", name = "Projekty"},
    ] }
  1. Customize your sidebar (optional)
enabled = true
custom_items = [
    { lang = "en", links = [
        { url = "/markdown", name = "Markdown" },
        { url = "/blog", name = "Blog" }
    ] },
    { lang = "pl", links = [
        { url = "/pl/markdown", name = "Markdown" },
        { url = "/pl/blog", name = "Blog" }
    ] }

Syntax highlighting

In order to use highlught css themes it is reguired to add below config. Themes to choose:

# The theme to use for code highlighting.
highlight_theme = "css"
highlight_themes_css = [
  { theme = "visual-studio-dark", filename = "syntax-dark.css" },
  { theme = "cheerfully-light", filename = "syntax-light.css" },


  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some Feature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request to develop branch

Demo page of develop Branch

Demo site always shows how current state of develop branch works:


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information. The goal of this project was to learn Tailwindcss, basics of JS and Tera. I'm very greatful to all the authors/owners of the MIT projects that I listed below and contributors of these projects. Great work! You are very talented. In case below list is not complete, please create an Issue in this repository.

Licensed Features

blow was used as a starting 'zola theme' template for this theme.

  • deployment pipeline (package.json, postcss.config.js)
  • integration with tailwindcss (tailwind.config.js)
  • core animations (lang.js, search.js, page.js, main.js)

tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog was used as a starting 'tailwindcss' template for this theme.

  • origin of used tailwindcss classes and whole "look"
  • tags, categories view
  • navbar, footer
  • search animation and elasticlunr code in search.js




Zola theme for tech blogs.







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