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I basic template Discord bot written on JavaScript using the Discord.js & Discord.js-commando API

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Discord Bot Template built with JavaScript

What is this project?

This is a bare bones example Discord bot that's easy to use and easy to expand on. This is perfect for those who are new to creating Discord bots.

What is included?



  • Announce
  • Ban
  • Clear Warns
  • Kick
  • Purge
  • Remove Warn
  • Role add/remove
  • Unban
  • Warn
  • Warns


  • Server Info
  • User Info


  • Advice
  • Chuck Norris
  • gif


  • Report
  • Suggest


  • Invite Manager
  • Join/Leave
  • Message Delete
  • Message Update


  • Word Filter
  • Anti Advertisement

What do I need to use this repo?

  • A basic understanding of JavaScript is fundamental
  • A basic understanding of Discord.js and Discord.commando is ideal but not necessary
  • A basic understanding of MongoDB and Mongoose is ideal but not necessary

Creating a MongoDB account

  1. Go to MongoDB
  2. Fill out your details and click sign up
  3. Fill in your Organization name and Project Name. Select JavaScript as your proffered language and click continue
  4. For this example we will use the FREE cluster option on the right
  5. Leave everything as default and change the cluster name if you wish
  6. Click Create Cluster (This may take a few minutes)
  7. On the left-hand side click Network Access and click Add IP Address and enter and click confirm
  8. On the left-hand side click Database Access and click Add New Database User. Create a username and password and click Add User Remember this password.
  9. On the left-hand side click Clusters and click Connect Click on the second option Connect Your Application
  10. Ensure the Driver is node.js and the version is 3.6 or later
  11. Copy the connection string. It will look something like this:
  12. Inside our code editor create a file inside the root of the project called .env and inside type the following: MongoDB="" Inside of the quotes paste your connection srting Replacing <password> with your database user password and changing myFirstDatabase to something more appropriate

Creating a Discord bot client

  1. Go to the Discord dev portal
  2. Click New Application on the top-right
  3. Give it a name and click Create
  4. On the left-hand side click bot and click add bot This tells Discord you want this account to be a bot account
  5. Under Privileged Gateway Intents ensure SERVER MEMBERS INTENT is enabled. Please note, Once your bot surpasses 100 servers your bot will need to be verified in order to use this intent.
  6. On the left-hand side click OAuth2 and under scopes check bot
  7. Under bot permissions check the following:
  • View Audit Log
  • Manage Server
  • Manage Roles
  • Manage Channels
  • Kick Members
  • Ban Members
  • View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages
  • Embed Links
  • Read Message History
  • Add Reactions

Alternatively just check the Admin permission Not Recommended

  1. Under Scopes an invite url has been generated with the required scopes. Use this to invite the bot to your guild.
  2. On the left-hand side click bot and copy the TOKEN It is important that you keep this secret. NEVER share this with anyone you do no trust.
  3. Inside the .env file we created in Step 12 under your MONGODB connection string add TOKEN= Please note, we do not use quotes "" for here.
  4. Paste your bot token after the = and save.

Getting the bot online

  1. Assuming you have followed all steps above we are ready to bring the bot to life.
  2. Open up your terminal inside of your code editor and type npm install. This will install all packages from package.json
  3. Once this is done type nodemon bot.js and boom, It's alive!

What if I have an issue?

You can reach me (VAL#0001) on my Discord Server

How do I host/keep the bot online 24/7?

There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube for this. You are welcome to contact me for help and I will guide you through it but I will not explain it here.


I basic template Discord bot written on JavaScript using the Discord.js & Discord.js-commando API







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