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A Vue.js workshop project. Goal of this workshops is to create clone of the Be a Milionaire game. It's a very popular TV show, where contestants can win up to 1 mln $.


User will face set of 10-15 questions with increasing difficulty levels. Each question has 4 answers, only one correct. First incorrect answer ends game.

Vue.js features used in workshops

Template syntax

  • interpolation (plus v-once)
  • raw html v-html
  • one-way binding v-bind (:)
  • conditionals v-if / v-else / v-show
  • events v-on (@)
  • two-way binding v-model
  • iteration v-for
  • special directive v-cloak
  • class and styles
  • where to put javascript?
  • transitions and animations


  • data
  • methods
  • computed
  • watch
  • slots (default / named)
  • lifecycle
  • nested components
  • props
  • single file components
  • pure functional components


  • mixins
  • plugins
  • extends
  • filters
  • custom events
  • custom model


  • render function
  • reactivity in depth
  • State management with bus


  • store structure
  • access from components
  • mutations
  • actions
  • getters
  • namespaces


  • templates router-link and router-view
  • defining routes name, path, component, children
  • programmatic navigation $router.push and $router.go
  • advanced - guards
  • advanced - meta and multiple components


  • vue-cli


To start, go to branch starting-point (here) and follow instructions in file.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.