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Joe Ludwig edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 1 revision

VROverlayError SetOverlayRaw( VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, void *pvBuffer, uint32_t unWidth, uint32_t unHeight, uint32_t unDepth )

Sets the overlay's texture from raw bytes in system memory.

  • VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle - Handle of the overlay to set the texture for
  • void *pvBuffer - Pointer to the texture data
  • uint32_t unWidth - Width of the texture in pixels
  • uint32_t unHeight - Height of the texture in pixels
  • uint32_t unDepth - Depth of the texture in bytes


Sets the overlay's texture from raw bytes in system memory. When possible, SetOverlayTexture should be used instead of SetOverlayRaw.

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