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How to Build the Project

Nadya Djojosantoso edited this page May 11, 2021 · 1 revision



  • Blender

  • Unity Windows Build Support (IL2CPP)

  • Unity Linux Build Support (IL2CPP)

If you don't have the build supports needed:

  1. Open your Unity Hub application.

  2. Go to "Installs".

  3. On the version of Unity you are using, click the menu button and click "Add Modules".

  4. Select the build supports needed, press "Next", and follow the instructions.

Building the Server

  1. Open the Network scene and make sure these are the settings on Vampire Village Network gameobject:
Address: localhost
Port: 7777
Force Client: False
  1. Open Unity's Build Settings (Ctrl+Shift+B) and set these options:
Target Platform: Linux
Architecture: x86_64
Server Build: True
  1. Press the "Build" button. Create a folder outside the project folder to place your build.

  2. After the build is done, zip everything inside the build folder and send it on Discord.

Building the Game

  1. Open the Network scene and make sure these are the settings on Vampire Village Network gameobject:
Address: [server IP, NOT "localhost", ask on Discord for this]
Port: 7777
Force Client: False
  1. Open Unity's Build Settings (Ctrl+Shift+B) and set these options:
Target Platform: Windows
Architecture: x86_64
Server Build: False
  1. Press the "Build" button. Create a folder outside the project folder to place your build.

  2. After the build is done, zip everything inside the build folder and send it on Discord.

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