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ParrelSync Guides

Nadya Djojosantoso edited this page Jan 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

We are using ParrelSync to test multiplayer locally. With ParrelSync, you can clone the project multiple times and sync the clones with the main project. This saves time as we don't have to build the project first to test for multiplayer, or require other people to be online!

Fixing Missing ParrelSync Package

When you first downloaded the project, you might encounter an error in your Unity's Console window about missing ParrelSync package. Here is how to fix it:

  1. Download Git if you don't have it yet. (Note: This is something different than GitHub Desktop)
  2. Open the Unity project.
  3. Open the Package Manager window (Window > Package Manager).
  4. Click the + button on top left of the Package Manager window and click Add package from git URL....

  1. On the text box that popped up, paste and then click Add.

  1. Make sure that ParrelSync is on the package list and you're all set!

Using ParrelSync

Creating and Opening Clones

  1. In the Unity Editor, open the Clones Manager window (ParrelSync > Clones Manager).
  2. Click Add new clone. This will copy the entire project. It will take some time.
  3. Click Open in New Editor to open the clone.

Note: The clones are synced to the main project. Any changes you make to the clone will be lost. So make sure to only edit and save your progress in the main project!

Testing Multiplayer

You will need at least 2 clones to test for multiplayer with your own computer. The main project is the server and the clones are the clients.

  1. On the main project and clones, open the Network scene.
  2. Start the game on the main project. This should show a black screen. As long as there is no error on the Console tab, you're good!
  3. Start the game on the clones. This should show the normal start menu window with the Create Room and Join Room buttons.
  4. You can now test and play the game!

If it says on the client that it is unable to connect to the server, then something is wrong (server is offline or there is a bug).